What programming languages Google uses


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Well I would like to know what is the programming language that the search bar was created, and in the google apps, in which language were created?

I did not find this information accessible

1 answer


Buddy, that’s a very complicated question... but come on.

My name is Ramom and I do Computer Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco. I have some friends who went to work at Google, Facebook, Microsoft. According to them, these companies are very flexible as to which language you will work. Let’s say you have more Python affinity than C++, so they will encourage you to work with the language you feel most comfortable working with.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Obs: Image taken from the site: http://programadorbr.com/blog/qual-a-linguagem-utilizada-pelas-grandes-empresas-de-tecnologia/

The search bar itself was created like any other bar on a common site, but the search algorithm and its language is a recipe like Coca-Cola etc... I mean, they’ll never leak it. As it is constantly changing, they currently use a mix of languages to improve performance, speed, assertiveness in research. Python and C++ are some of them, very powerful languages when it comes to performance and speed. In the applications I say the same... But I believe that Java is one of the most used when it comes to Mobile Development.

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