Variable value in the middle of an html LINK


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The idea is to pass a phone number on the link to direct call on Whatsapp:

 <a href="'NUMERO'&text=blablabla">

Buttons and the like are already made, I just wonder how I put the variable that I already have where is 'NUMERO' up there.

I tried it this way

<a href="" >
    <button (click)= "troca(var)"> 

and no . ts (design being done with Angular) thus:

    const link = document.querySelector('a');
    link.href = link.href.replace('NUMERO', n);


1 answer


There are several ways one of them is to use the function replace:

const link = document.querySelector('a');

link.href = link.href.replace('NUMERO', '123451234');

<a href="">

If you are using Angular ai changes completely, an example:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app-example',
    template: `
        <a href="{{ numero }}&text=blablabla" >
            <button (click)= "troca('123451234')"> LINK</button>
    styles: []
export class ExampleComponent {

    numero: string = '';

    constructor() { }

    troar(novoNumero): void {
        this.numero = novoNumero;

  • I edited based on what you sent me, but I couldn’t, you know what might be going wrong yet?

  • I updated the answer

  • It worked out, thanks.

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