I try to create a test with several questions and each question has 4 answers, my logic is, the first ngFor is the number of questions and the second is your answers. My problem is that when I type a text in the letter A, every question is affected. In the image, I wrote the answers in question_2, but each question gets these answers.
My html code:
<ion-slide *ngFor="let question of listQuestions; let indexQuestion = index ;">
<div padding>
<ion-textarea rows="3" [(ngModel)]="questionClosed.statement"></ion-textarea>
<ion-row *ngFor="let letter of listLetters; let index = index ;">
<ion-col col-1 (click)="selectAnswer(letter)">
<span >{{letter}}</span>
<ion-textarea rows="2" [(ngModel)]='responses["question_" + (question.numberQuestion).toString()][letter]'></ion-textarea>
My code ts:
public questionClosed: { statement?: string; A?: string; B?: string; C?: string; D?: string; } = {
statement: null,
A: null,
B: null,
C: null,
D: null
public responses: any = {};
populatedListQuestions(numberQuestions) {
for (let i = 0; i < numberQuestions; i++) {
const data = {
numberQuestion: i + 1,
description: this.questionClosed
let name = 'question_' + (i+1).toString();
this.responses[name] = this.questionClosed;
Perfect, it’s been almost a week on this, thank you very much!!!!!
– Bruno Inácio