How to log out of Office 365 account automatically?


Viewed 194 times


I’m having a hard time using a good link to log in with the user in Office 365.

The 3 examples below do logout, however...

1) In this first example the user has to click on the user, so that it sends out (bad):

2) In this second example, the user is redirected to msn (awful):

3) In this third example, I see a horrible blank page that says nothing:

Someone has a link hint that works and just logout with a nice message...

  • 3

    Assuming I have understood correctly, I hope it doesn’t exist, otherwise any joker puts the link in a meta tag or src or any other and depresses users without confirmation. It is already this way to not have this kind of problem. Incidentally, many systems are like this, precisely to avoid mistakes and/ or bad intentions.

  • @Bacco, your information does not solve my problem, but I will leave it noted here in my notebook of programming notes on account security and users to study later your reasoning ok.

  • There’s a good chance I didn’t understand the problem. Anyway it was what I saw right away if the idea is to unleash the user in a "non-interactive way".

  • The idea is for the user to know that it was dropped by his choice... (I’m offering a modal asking if he wants to close the microsoft 365 account), if he already said yes, why would I need one more step of choice? I can kill his account, if you haven’t noticed, example 3 already does it, only not in a nice way... understood. There even the funny one makes...

  • The idea is to get away from iframe, bad idea to send this page under the table...

  • 1

    "if he ever said yes, because I would need one more stage of choice?" Because you’re the one who’s claiming that he said yes (and it might not be true), and Microsoft would have to trust that you’re being "sincere". Being that the ideal would be you send him to MS saying that he wants to close, the user and MS get along. What might be a real solution would be for you to have a friendlier MS endpoint for integration (where the user would say whether to scroll down or go back to your application, maybe).

  • I know that, but I have client_id, IE, from the moment I am using a login done at the expense of a single app access, it in turn should allow me to dislodge the same, through this client_id, I am not wanting to terminate all accounts, but only the account in question where he accesses the content... specific. (and he’s not doing it intelligently, it’s badly done... it’s supposed to be just that it doesn’t work, the documentation is very confusing. :(

  • Loaning the app is not the same as loaning the 365 user. I have Oauth2 applications with logoff, and in such cases if the user gets out of touch, I discard the credentials of my application, in which case the session token is "only mine". I do not know if you could apply something in this sense in your case (in mine, the negotiation is not done on the client side in web situations, but on the server).

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I managed to do it this way:

$scope.redirectOutSistem = function() {
                try {
                    if (is_running_on_ipad) {
                        //ESSA FUNCAO SO FUNCIONA QUANDO É NO IPAD
                        sendObjectMessage({name: 'App', company: 'Name'});
                        window.location.href = '/sair';
                    } else if (is_running_on_android) {
                        Android.sendObjectMessage({name: 'App', company: 'Name'});
                    } else {
                        if (typeof is_login !== 'undefined' && is_login) {
                        } else {
                            window.location.href = '/sair';

                } catch (e) {
                    //window.location.href = '/sair';

     $(document.body).append('<iframe data-logout-office365 style="display:none" src="" allow-same-origin allow-scripts></iframe>');
                                url: "",
                                type: "POST",
                                crossDomain: true,
                                dataType: "text/html",
                                success: function (response) {

                                error: function (xhr, status) {
  • This Oauth2.0 depending on POST is boring even for login, to be very honest. I think there are some silly things in certain specifications where those who elaborate get so attached to the formality that they forget the purpose of the thing. Among them is the fact that it is almost (if not totally) impossible to make an Oauth2.0 stream on the client side without JS (or a button).

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