Email and Password continue to appear even after creating an SSH key


Viewed 42 times


I created a key SSH to use on Github and even following all the steps that were the following:

I used the command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Then I used the command cat:

cat ~/.ssh/

After that I went to my Github settings and added the key, pasted the and clicked on add.

Chave SSH criada

When I’m gonna make a new one push even after all this is done, appears: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Do I need to restart the machine to make it work?

1 answer


Apparently you are not using SSH, but HTTPS for repository access. 1

To check your repository, run in the repository folder:

$ git remote -v

If the source URL (origin) begins in, is because you used the HTTPS URL.

Therefore, you should consider changing the source URL to the SSH URL: 2

$ git remote set-url origin

To delete password over HTTPS, you must use the Git credential system, in response.

  • Thank you! That was the problem. Now it’s all right :)

  • If the answer was satisfactory to your problem, please mark it as accepted, and we both earn points, see. Thank you.

  • done! Thank you again :)

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