How I take this amount


Viewed 93 times


Good evening, I need a help with the code below.

This code already works for what I need. Geolocation to display the nearest users, but how I get the distance value???

$user = $con->query("SELECT user_nome, user_user, user_idade, user_img, 
(6371 * acos(
cos( radians($lat) )
* cos( radians( user_latitude ) )
* cos( radians( user_longitude ) - radians($long) )
+ sin( radians($lat) )
* sin( radians( user_latitude ) ) 
) AS distancia
FROM usuarios
HAVING distancia < 400

That distance is neither in my bank nor in variable. I wanted to show for example in a table: user_name and distance

Thank you

  • By doing what you’re doing, the field distancia is automatically created in the associative array that has the results of your query. Just iterate using a foreach, for example: foreach ($user as $row) { echo $row['distancia'] } .

3 answers


This code I put up had worked and now it doesn’t work at all.. I don’t know what I had done or if he just read some previous information.. Anyway.. I did it and nothing comes back.. What am I doing wrong? I created a table just to test and put this information that would come from the comic..

<td>Hauer 001</td>

<td>Pinheirinho 001</td>

<td>Boqueirao 001</td>

  require "config/conexao.php";
//estes números seriam do ponto inicial
$lat = "-25.4921949";
$long = "-49.2676986";
$user = $con->query("SELECT      *
FROM        (
                SELECT      user_nome
                        ,   user_user
                        ,   user_idade
                        ,   user_img
                        ,   (6371 * acos(cos(radians($lat)) * cos(radians(user_latitude)) * cos(radians(user_longitude) - radians($long)) + sin(radians($lat)) * sin(radians(user_latitude)))) AS distancia
                FROM        usuarios
            ) U
WHERE       U.distancia < 1000
ORDER BY    U.distancia
foreach ($user as $row) {
  echo $row['distancia'];


Sorry guys.. I posted a problem just now but I found the q needed in another forum.. it worked for what I wanted and even better.. I’ll post it here in case anyone needs... Geolocation.. will take the user’s city, state and country.. dai vc do the rest.. I include in the registration form... Thank you for the answers here... NOTE: I could not format the code here separating java from html.. error and I am Noob here

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <script src=""></script>
        <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
            html, body {
                height: 100%;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
            #map {
                height: 100%;
        <form id="localizacao" >

            <input id="cidade" value="">
            <input id="estado" value="">
            <input id="pais" value="">

            <button   type="submit" class="btn btn-default ">Salvar</button>

        <script type='text/javascript'>

            var lati = '';
            var long = '';
            var cidade = '';
            var estado = '';
            var pais = '';
            var dadosajax = '';

            navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (posicao) {
                var url = "" + posicao.coords.latitude + "&lon=" + posicao.coords.longitude + "&format=json&json_callback=preencherDados";

                var script = document.createElement('script');
                script.src = url;
                lati = posicao.coords.latitude;
                long = posicao.coords.longitude;


            function preencherDados(dados) {
                cidade =;
                estado = dados.address.state;
                pais =;

                //alert('cordenadas:' + lati + ',' + long + '    Lugar:' + cidade + ',' + estado + ',' + pais);

                document.getElementById('cidade').value = cidade;
                document.getElementById('estado').value = estado;
                document.getElementById('pais').value = pais;

                dadosajax = {'cidade':cidade, 'estado':estado, 'pais':pais};
                $("#localizacao").submit(function (e) {
                        type: "POST",
                        url: "teste6.php",
                        data: dadosajax




If you want to change the SQL query it is easy to get the columns you want:

SELECT      *
FROM        (
                SELECT      user_nome
                        ,   user_user
                        ,   user_idade
                        ,   user_img
                        ,   (6371 * acos(cos(radians($lat)) * cos(radians(user_latitude)) * cos(radians(user_longitude) - radians($long)) + sin(radians($lat)) * sin(radians(user_latitude)))) AS distancia
                FROM        usuarios
            ) U
WHERE       U.distancia < 400
ORDER BY    U.distancia
LIMIT       50
  • Thank you very much...

  • You are welcome! If the answer was helpful give an UP, and if it is correct mark it as such!

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