Function - show password!


Viewed 1,089 times


I rephrased the question, what I’m trying to do is the following, Goal is to do the same as IE does in inputs type password!

    <script src=""></script> 

$(".show_key").mousedown(function() {
    $(".hide-pass-input").attr("type", "text")
$(".show_key").mouseup(function() {
    $(".hide-pass-input").attr("type", "password")
$(".show_key").mouseout(function() {
    $(".hide-pass-input").attr("type", "password")

var num = $(".hide-pass-input").val().length;



    <input  class="hide-pass-input" name="senha" type="password" placeholder="Digite a senha" value="">

    <div class="show_key">Mostrar senha</div>


What I need is: the input starts with type password, and if the user is going to type and the field contains 1 or more characters the div "show_key" appears, and clicking on it change the type password to type text, if I drop show_key it returns to type password, and if I click out of the input the div "show_key" goes away, basically the function that that eye icon that some systems have does to show the password!

I thank you all.

  • If you put your if/Else inside an event .change should perform the way you want.

  • Please if you manage to send the modified code thank you I am not good at Js, I know a lot, but very little!

3 answers


Can do with CSS only:

[name=senha]:focus + .show_key{
   display: block;
<input  class="input" name="senha" type="password" placeholder="Digite a senha" value="">

<div class="show_key">Mostrar senha</div>

Since the div is adjacent to the input, the selector + .show_key will change its property by focusing the field.


Using jQuery to display the div when there is at least 1 character in the field and show the password by clicking on the div "Show password":

   // captura os eventos keyup e focus no campo
   $("[name=senha]").on("keyup focus", function(){
      // mostra/esconde a div se houver ao menos 1 caractere
      $(".show_key")[ $(this).val().length ? 'show' : 'hide' ]();
   // captura os eventos de mouse no campo e na div
   $(".show_key, [name=senha]").on("click mousedown mouseup mouseleave", function(e){
      // cancela a bubbling do evento click no "document"
      // altera o type do campo
      .attr("type", e.type == "mousedown" && !$("input") ? "text" : "password");
   // esconde a div ao clicar em qualquer parte do documento
   $(document).on("click", function(){
<script src=""></script>
<input  class="input" name="senha" type="password" placeholder="Digite a senha" value="">
<div class="show_key">Mostrar senha</div>

  • Well I think that with only ccs it will not be possible to do what I want because, because when I take the Focus and I will try to click "Show password" the div goes away, and I needed the div only to appear if the field was greater than 1 character

  • Young man, the question doesn’t say that.

  • I will modify every post!

  • Working, it’s just not disappearing show_key if you click off the input.. and changing the type password to text if I keep pressing show_key

  • 1

    I didn’t know it was possible to do this by changing which function is called @Sam. Thank you.

  • @Caiolourençon modified response. See if this was it.

  • I will edit the code, and put what I have exactly in my js! What the code doesn’t do is disappear the div when I click off the input!

  • It was perfect! Oha is not to be boring not but in the matter of security your code is with a gap, I saw this in another post and I fixed in mine there above, do the following test on your... when click show password stay pressed and drag the mouse out of the area of the div that even releasing the button the div remains in the type text showing the password!

  • @Caiolourençon Good observation. I will correct.

  • @Caiolourençon Just add one more event to the selector: $(".show_key, [name=senha]").on("click mousedown mouseup mouseleave"...... in the case, the mouseleave

  • Perfect, everything is OK!

  • Hello, returning to the same code, In the above case ,how would you add a class with "addClass()" only when the input type is "text" and removeClass when it is type password? grateful!

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Have an option to do this "check" only with CSS used to pseudo-class :placeholder-shown. So you won’t even need to enter a class .active on the label, because the check is on input + label for css

It works that way:

If the input have a placeholder active, that is, if the input is empty only with the placeholder appearing normally to label which comes next will stick with the red text for example.

However, if you have something written inside the input, that is, if the placeholder NO longer active (as you will have something written inside), the option "Show Password" appears.

See the example below to better understand:

input:placeholder-shown + label {
    color: red;
input:not(:placeholder-shown) + label {
    color: green;
    font-weight: bold;
Escreva algo nesse input vai aparecer o "Mostrar Senha"<br>
<input type="password" placeholder="com placeholder / sem value" value="" name="" id="app">
<label for="app">Mostrar Senha</label>


Esse input já tem um valor no value<br>
Apague  o texto do input!<br>
<input type="password" placeholder="meu placeholder" value="com value senha" name="" id="app">
<label for="app">Já aparece o "mostrar senha"</label>

Note 2: No works on IE and Edge

  • Look with pure CSS is also a good, great idea, turned very good.

  • And how do you show the password? D

  • @Sam would be easier to make a function to change the type of password input to text, but ai eh with the js people. My intention was to only show the next element if you have something written in the input.

  • @Caiolourençon was worth young, this solution helps, but to reveal the text really needs a js, this technique only serves to show the next element , if the input has a value


You can do it this way, although there are better ways:

$('.input').keyup(function() {
    if($(this).val().length > 0) {

$('.input').focusout(function() {
    if($(this).val().length === 0) {
<script src=""></script>
<input class="input" name="senha" type="password" placeholder="Digite a senha" value="">

<div id="show_key" class="show_key">Mostrar senha</div>

Using the event focus, whenever the input receives focus I remove the class that hides the div. And in the event focusout, whenever the focus goes to another node, adds again the class that hides the div.

  • Well so solved in parts, because when I take the Focus and I will try to click on "Show password" the div goes away, and I needed the div only appear if the field was greater than 1 character

  • You had not specified this. You asked div to disappear when the focus left the input, and when you click div the focus will leave the input... Specify exactly what you want so we can help.

  • All right, now do what you want.

  • I will modify every post!

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