Drop down menu appears behind another object


Viewed 79 times


Good afternoon guys. I am creating a site in wordpress but I noticed that the drop down menu appears behind the objects. This is the site: www.midbourg.. for example, click on the "contact us" menu, after entering the contact us page, click on the "products" menu. The menu will appear behind the text field. Someone can help me??

  • tries to put a z-index: 9999; in <ul class="sub-menu" or her father

  • Leandro edits your question and posts the snippet of your code that contains the Dropdown

1 answer


sets the property z-index: 999 in <ul class="sub-menu". And puts the background-color: white tbm.

  • Matheus worked well but another problem arises: When you access the Site by phone, the menu overlap the logo

  • Just put one padding-bottom: 60px in div.custom-header in a media query for mobile! type @media (max-width: 478px) { ... }

  • Matheus, thank you so much man. You helped me so much.

  • But I need more help Matheus

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