Error updating mysql server on linux Mint


Viewed 59 times


I have a machine with Linux Mint which I use as my development server, which is working normally, however, when performing an update (apt-get upgrade) of the installed packages, the mysql server generates an error, and after that the service falls and does not come back, being necessary to restart the server for the service to work again, and with this we return the problem that when I try to update generates the error again.

Below I will show you the procedures I tried and what happens after them.

Version of Mysql:

└──> # mysql -V
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.25, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

apt-get upgrade after a update

erro após upgrade Here already begins the error, after performing an upgrade it seems that it can not raise the service again. however the service is running, to get out of this screen it is necessary to press Ctrl + C .

When I try to access Mysql from the terminal it generates an error if socket:

└──> # mysql
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

From here only restarting the server to get access again,

After restarting I try the command mysql_upgrade however he accuses that it is already updated, but if I rotate a o apt-get upgrade he tries to update again, but he will accuse that he hears an error in the facility and asks to run the sudo dpkg --configure -a running the command generates the error again:

erro This marking is because it is locked in this line being necessary to tighten the Ctrl + C to finalize.

Basically these are the information I have, and the problem is that my Mysql is updated but always tries to update and accuses error, Before posting here I searched (and much) in the search engines and tested the examples given, but none worked.

  • 1
  • @Caiodepaulasilva Thanks for the tip, but this part of the socket error only occurs after I try to update Mysql, if I don’t try it keeps working normally.

  • See if you have another daemon running with ps aux | grep mysqld.

  • @bfavaretto wheel before or after trying to upgrade ?

  • You have already installed, the problem is post-installation. Also try running mysql_upgrade manually.

  • @bfavaretto my Mysql is running normally, the problem only occurs when I try to update it, and yes I ran the mysql_upgrade --force, without the force it neither rotates, because it already says that this updated.

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