Error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'printf'


Viewed 1,022 times


I have this activity, exercise, where is to display the largest number, but is giving the error:

"incompatible type for argument 1 of 'printf' "

On the command line "printf (valor2);".


#include <stdio.h>

   double valor1, valor2;
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor1);
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor2);
    if ( valor1>valor2)
      print ( valor1);
      else if (valor1< valor2)
        printf (valor2)
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2 answers


There are several errors in your code, I believe because you are a beginner! I recommend reading about printf and scanf functions

Read this answer too Difference between %i and %d

Your functional code looks like this:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()

   double valor1, valor2;
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor1);
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor2);
    if ( valor1>valor2){             
      printf("%f", valor1);
      else if (valor1 < valor2){
            printf("%f", valor2);

Just a small hint, as you will compare only 2 variables, could do with the structure if-else instead of if-elseif:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()

   double valor1, valor2;
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor1);
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor2);
    if ( valor1>valor2){             
      printf("%f", valor1);
      else {
            printf("%f", valor2);

As recalled by the Cat, there is still a third possibility using ternary operator, or conditional operator:

Read on this question: When should I use the "?" operator in C?

#include <stdio.h>
int main()

   double valor1, valor2, resultado;
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor1);
   scanf ( "%lf", &valor2);
   resultado = valor1 > valor2 ? valor1 : valor2;
   printf("%f", resultado);

  • In this case, the use of the ternary operator could also be useful to improve the readability of the code.

  • @cat well remembered! Do you think it is advisable to post your question to him?

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I believe it’s a syntax error in printf, try to write this way:

printf("%d", valor2)

Note also that you used print(valor1) and changed to print"f" (value2).

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