Css and js files do not load in production


Viewed 492 times



When deploying my application to a server Tomcat 8.5 css and js files imported into angular json. are not loaded. locally works correctly


This server has a link to external access, when I access the application by passing the server IP in the url the css and js are loaded, but with the external access link the Css and js are not loaded.

I use the base href="/Projeto", and in the angular.json define the paths as follows :


I’ve already tried:

Build the project with config --extract-css=false and I’ve also changed this attribute to false in angular.json

Remarks 2:

When inspecting the page it was possible to see that the file happens an error

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

And this error indicates that it was in styles.e7efefb7ef5355459826.js:1

I did the production build, and reinforcing, this error only happens by accessing the external link to my server

  • You built production or development?

  • Oi Guilherme, I did the production build

  • Look, I’ve seen difficulty like this to visualize formatting in production and why amazing it seems the problem was the browser cache. Cache, cookies, and history. I cleaned up and went.

  • Thanks Fabiano, I did the test, it was not that, I also tried different browsers and different machines, remembering that this error happens when I access the external link of the server

2 answers


What was causing the production error was the awesome font CSS, which for some reason I still don’t know, didn’t work in production and caused the rest of the CSS to not be loaded.

I stopped importing the same in angular.json and imported it into Index through Cdn and everything started working


tried to use the following command:

ng build --base-href /Project/ -output-path=. /Project

you will use the --output-path informing the path of where you want to save the build with Project name, then you will go to the server this folder and test if it worked.

  • Hi Luis, thanks for the answer. Actually I already do this way you mentioned. Remembering that this error only happens by accessing the external link

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