Indexing of Dataframe


Viewed 71 times


The data follows below

Prouni<-read.csv("C:\\cursos_prouni.csv") The following link redirects to the data The data are shown as in the figure below.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I took some data because it is 41447 lines and 20 variables. So I selected 3.

y <- data.frame(uf1=c("AC","AC","AC","AC","AC", "AC","AC","AC","AC","AC","AC", "AC", "AL","AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL","AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL","AL", "AL", "AL", "AM", "AM", "AM", "AM", "AM", "AM", "AM", "AM", "AM", "AM"), cid=c("Acrelandia","Cruzeiro do Sul", "Cruzeiro do Sul", "Cruzeiro do Sul", "Rio Branco","Rio Branco", "Rio Branco", "Rio Branco", "Rio Branco", "Rio Branco", "Rio Branco", "Sena Madureira","Arapiraca", "Arapiraca", "Arapiraca", "Delmiro Gouveia","Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Maceio", "Coari", "Itacoatiara","Jurua","Manaus","Manaus", "Manaus", "Manaus", "Manaus", "Manaus"), mensal=c(289.00,298.00,325.00, 319.00,298.00,823.22,476.00, 476.00,325.00,522.79,672.15, 250.00,298.00,586.63,290.35, 298.00,417.14,298.00,586.63, 669.00,669.00,169.00,464.31, 535.00,712.86,627.14,357.00, 548.00,366.90,209.00,312.90, 299.00,279.00,327.00,699.00, 699.00,699.00,298.00,327.00, 327.65))

With the following code I can identify which course has the highest tuition per UF subset(y, y$mensal==max(mensal),). I just wanted to show you all the data on the most expensive courses in each UF. For example, in the AC in such city, university, campus and etc the tuition is both (maximum) for each uf1. Then, in AL and AM, for example. No Pyton there is the command idxmax(), where it locates the line where the monthly fee is maximum for eachuf1. Is there a similar function in R?

  • Please edit your question by placing the data via dput(data). Still, try to improve your basedata question in that post. Note that the result of your question in bold, contemplates a different answer of the text just below it, in this way, is ambiguous.

  • the link you have placed redirects to a page that contains multiple datasets, please put only the dataset you want attached, or better yet, put only the result of dput(Prouni)in your question, there it is easier to solve it. About the question itself, you want the maximum value of the monthly fee grouped by the first 7 columns?

2 answers


You can do whatever you want with the base R function aggregate.

fl <- list.files(pattern = "^cursos-prouni.*\\.csv$")

Prouni <- read.csv(fl)

fmla <- mensalidade ~ uf_busca + cidade_busca + universidade_nome + campus_nome
agg <- aggregate(fmla, data = Prouni, max, na.rm = TRUE)

If you prefer to use the package dplyr, it may be so:


result1 <- Prouni %>%
  group_by(uf_busca, cidade_busca, universidade_nome, campus_nome) %>%
  summarise(Max = max(mensalidade, na.rm = TRUE))


If you want to aggregate just by uf_busca, then it’s simpler.

fmla2 <- mensalidade ~ uf_busca
agg2 <- aggregate(fmla2, data = Prouni, max, na.rm = TRUE)

result2 <- Prouni %>%
  group_by(uf_busca) %>%
  summarise(Max = max(mensalidade, na.rm = TRUE))


With dplyr you can do this:


y %>% 
  group_by(uf1) %>% 
  arrange(desc(mensal)) %>% 

group_by group analysis;

arrange sort the data increasing or decreasing (desc);

slice returns only the first observation (maximum) per group.

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