How to select a Python file using Tkinter


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I have the following Python code using the library tkinter:

from tkinter import *

class Application:
 def __init__(self, master=None):
  self.widget1 = Frame(master)
  self.msg = Label(self.widget1, text="Busque o arquivo")
  self.msg["font"] = ("Calibri", "9", "italic")
  self.sair = Button(self.widget1)
  self.sair["text"] = "Buscar"
  self.sair["font"] = ("Calibri", "9")
  self.sair["width"] = 10
  self.sair["command"] = self.mudarTexto
  self.msg2 = Label(self.widget1, text="")
  self.msg2["font"] = ("Calibri", "9", "italic")

 def mudarTexto(self):
  if self.msg["text"] == "Busque o arquivo":
     #Teria que abrir a pasta do windows aqui
     self.msg2["text"] = "NOME DO ARQUIVO AQUI"

root = Tk()

At the moment this code just prints a message when the button is pressed, however, I would like to click the button, open a folder in windows to select only one file, and that after selected and given the Ok, the file name was printed in the program.

2 answers


from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename

Tk().withdraw() # Isto torna oculto a janela principal
filename = askopenfilename() # Isto te permite selecionar um arquivo
print(filename) # printa o arquivo selecionado

Follow other functions that may be of interest to you


To display file manipulation dialog boxes, use the sub-module functions tkinter.filedialog:

from tkinter import filedialog as dlg
path = dlg.askopenfilename()

Below is a list of the functions of this module, for reference:


Asks the user for a folder and returns the path to it

askopenfile(mode='r', **options)

Asks the user for a file, and already returns the opened file


Asks the user for a file and returns the path to it


Asks the user to select multiple files. Returns a list of file names or an empty list if the user cancels the window.

askopenfiles(mode='r', **options)

Asks the user to select multiple files. Returns a list of already opened files or an empty list if the user cancels the window.

asksaveasfile(mode='w', **options)

Asks the user for a file name to be saved, and returns the file already created and opened for writing


Asks the user for a file name to be saved, and returns the path to it. If the file already exists, the user will have to confirm overwrite.

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