If they can be used for calculations they cannot contain these signals. If they can contain these signals they cannot be used for calculations. So your problem is another, you need to interpret what was typed, this is called Parsing, and work the information in an appropriate way, then separate out what is actually number and store it like this and store the text also to meet this requirement (which I think is misconceived, but this is another story). So your problem is to define well these spelling and grammatical rules of the text that can be entered to separate what is only number and use this for calculations.
If this is too complicated to perform then you have to ask the person to enter the text and the isolated number then to store separately.
This data itself is clearly to use a common text (Text
or Memo
), and the part that should be number as Integer
or Double
or Currency
. It is likely that other elements need to be recorded in isolation to give semantics to the value and who knows even make some decisions. There is no kind of miraculous data that understands everything the way one wants to guess the rules of that text, for that there is a professional programming the rules.
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– Maniero