Error in using @extends using Sass placeholders


Viewed 25 times


    @each $direction in $directions {
  %u-no-padding-#{$direction}{padding-#{direction}: 0;}
  %u-half-padding-#{$direction}{padding-#{direction}: $layout-module-size / 2;}
  %u-default-padding-#{$direction}{padding-#{direction}: $layout-module-size;}
  %u-double-padding-#{$direction}{padding-#{direction}: $layout-module-size * 2;}

  %u-no-margin-#{$direction}{margin-#{direction}: 0;}
  %u-half-margin-#{$direction}{margin-#{direction}: $layout-module-size / 2;}
  %u-default-margin-#{$direction}{margin-#{direction}: $layout-module-size;}
  %u-double-margin-#{$direction}{margin-#{direction}: $layout-module-size * 2;}

  @extend %u-double-margin-top, %u-double-margin-bottom, %u-half-margin-bottom;

in the compilation this generating the following result

body {
  margin-direction: 60px;

body {
  margin-direction: 15px;

body {
  margin-direction: 60px;

Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I need the generated result to be inside the same body.

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