JSON does not return Mysql database data


Viewed 53 times


I made a very simple application to search for projects by state in the database. However, JSON does not show any errors, but also does not return anything. I imagine the problem may be in GET. Do you know what it might be? Follow the codes below:

HTML form code:

<div style="margin-left:100px; margin-top:60px">
        <h2>Buscar projetos por estado</h2><br><br>
        <h4>Escolha o estado desejado: </h4><br/>
        <form action="consultarEstado.php" method="get">
        <select name="estado" id="estado">
            <option value="AC">Acre</option>
            <option value="AL">Alagoas</option>
            <option value="AP">Amapá</option>
            <option value="AM">Amazonas</option>
            <option value="BA">Bahia</option>
            <option value="CE">Ceará</option>
            <option value="DF">Distrito Federal</option>
            <option value="ES">Espírito Santo</option>
            <option value="GO">Goiás</option>
            <option value="MA">Maranhão</option>
            <option value="MT">Mato Grosso</option>
            <option value="MS">Mato Grosso do Sul</option>
            <option value="MG">Minas Gerais</option>
            <option value="PA">Pará</option>
            <option value="PB">Paraíba</option>
            <option value="PR">Paraná</option>
            <option value="PE">Pernambuco</option>
            <option value="PI">Piauí</option>
            <option value="RJ">Rio de Janeiro</option>
            <option value="RN">Rio Grande do Norte</option>
            <option value="RS">Rio Grande do Sul</option>
            <option value="RO">Rondônia</option>
            <option value="RR">Roraima</option>
            <option value="SC">Santa Catarina</option>
            <option value="SP">São Paulo</option>
            <option value="SE">Sergipe</option>
            <option value="TO">Tocantins</option>
        <input type="submit" value="Buscar">

Building the JSON:


include './Classes/Conexao.php';
include './Classes/DAO/UsuarioDAO.php';

if ($_GET)) {
    $estado = $_GET['estado'];
    $UsuarioDAO = new UsuarioDAO();
    $consulta = $UsuarioDAO->consultarEstado($estado);

    if ($consulta == true) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < mysqli_num_rows($consulta); $i++) {
            $linha = mysqli_fetch_array($consulta);

            $respostas [] = array (
                'id_projeto' => $linha['id_projeto'],
                'municipio' => $linha['municipio'],
                'estado' => $linha['estado'],
                'nome' => $linha['nome'],

echo json_encode($respostas);
} else {
    echo 'Nenhum parâmetro foi passado na URL.';



public function consultarEstado($estado) {
        $sql = "SELECT id_projeto, municipio, estado, nome FROM projeto WHERE estado = '$estado'";

        $resultado = mysqli_query($this->conexao->getCon(), $sql);

        if (mysqli_num_rows($resultado) > 0) {
            return $resultado; 
        } else {
            return FALSE;

2 answers


You are passing the state via post and are trying to read with get, try:


include './Classes/Conexao.php';
include './Classes/DAO/UsuarioDAO.php';

if ($_POST)) {
    $estado = $_POST['estado'];
    $UsuarioDAO = new UsuarioDAO();
    $consulta = $UsuarioDAO->consultarEstado($estado);

    if ($consulta == true) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < mysqli_num_rows($consulta); $i++) {
            $linha = mysqli_fetch_array($consulta);

            $respostas [] = array (
                'id_projeto' => $linha['id_projeto'],
                'municipio' => $linha['municipio'],
                'estado' => $linha['estado'],
                'nome' => $linha['nome'],

echo json_encode($respostas);
} else {
    echo 'Nenhum parâmetro foi passado na URL.';


Or change your form method to GET in your HTML file.

  • The problem persists. I had already done the test with GET and POST and the two continue without returning me anything.


I discovered that the problem was being caused by the special characters of the data. I put utf8_encode in each line of the vector and managed to return the values, although the special characters still need to be treated.


include './Classes/Conexao.php';
include './Classes/DAO/UsuarioDAO.php';

if ($_GET) {
    $estado = $_GET['estado'];
    $UsuarioDAO = new UsuarioDAO();
    $consulta = $UsuarioDAO->consultarEstado($estado);

    if ($consulta == true) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < mysqli_num_rows($consulta); $i++) {
            $linha = mysqli_fetch_array($consulta);

            $respostas [] = array (
                'id_projeto' => utf8_encode($linha['id_projeto']),
                'municipio' => utf8_encode($linha['municipio']),
                'estado' => utf8_encode($linha['estado']),
                'nome' => utf8_encode($linha['nome']),

echo json_encode($respostas);
} else {
    echo 'Nenhum parâmetro foi passado na URL.';

  • Okay, but you shouldn’t have to do this. Possible problems: your HTML is not being served as UTF-8, or your form is not being posted as UTF-8, or the encoding of the connection to the database is not being set, or the collation of your database table is wrong.

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