How to build a BDD scenario?


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A few days ago I joined a project to work on a test team conducted in BDD, but my only participation in the project is to create the Features to send to the developers. As I have little practice to create Features would like help. My manager mentioned that my attempt could be better, so I’m asking for help because I have little practice.

I need to create a Feature that validates a student record edit screen as shown below.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The text of the documentation was this;

  1. The system allows changing the student through the icon represented by the pencil in the action column displayed on the start screen grid.
  2. By clicking on the edit icon, a screen will be displayed, in which the system rescues the persistent information at the base, displaying of the associated cities at the top of the checkboxlist, and allows the user to make the desired changes.
  3. The system validates if the selected zone is not associated with any other student and if everything is ok, the system saves the appropriate changes.
  4. Successful messages (creation and editing) must be displayed in a modal: {RAC saved successfully [OK]}.

That was my attempt;

language: en

Functionality: Change of student

Context: As a user I want to change the student

Scenario: The logged-in user will successfully change a student

  • Given that the user <clicou> on the edit icon
  • And that "<nome_aluno>" is filled
  • And the <zona_rural> be checked
  • and the <cidade> is selected
  • Then the user will save the changes from <registro>
  • But if none of the fields mentioned are filled in the button will not be saved <habilitado>.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

However my project manager said he had things that were wrong, as I have little practice like I could improve my Feature!

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