I am trying to run a loop to show the values, respectively for each user, but with ngIf nothing appears, as I put here in the example, and without ngIf are shown the two values for the two users, and each user has only one value.
users = [
{'id': 15,'name':'João'},
{'id': 16,'name':'Maria'}
listPrices = [
{'id_price': 1,'id_user': 15,'price': 2.50},
{'id_price': 3,'id_user': 16,'price': 1.50}
<div *ngFor="let user of users">
<div *ngFor="let item of listPrices">
<span *ngIf="item.id_user === data.id">
In this case, it wouldn’t just be a syntax error, from
– Vinicius Lourenço
Guy was easier to make a mapping in your typescript.
– Eduardo Vargas
Why wouldn’t it be the syntax problem? I think that’s right. The ideal would be to map the controller and generate a single object to give only one ngFor, but this way the template works also.
– Fábio Miranda