Transform Sql command into LAMBDA


Viewed 179 times


I’m learning a little about LAMBDA and tried to convert this query into LAMBDA, but I stopped.

I have 2 classes:

public class Voo {
    public string idVoo {get;set;}
    public DateTime dtVoo {get;set;}
    public string dsHoraInicial {get;set}
    public DateTime dtVooFim {get;set;}
    public string dsHoraFinal {get;set}
    public int idAeronave {get;set;}
    public virtual Aeronave Aeronave {get;set;}

public class Aeronave {
   public int idAeronave {get;set;}
   public string dsAeronave {get;set;}
   public string cdAeronave {get;set;} 
   public virtual ICollection<Voo> Voos {get;set;}

The user must inform a certain period with 2 dates as input and the query would make a grouping of cdAeronaves (aircraft code) and total flight hours performed by aircraft with that code.

Aeronave       Horas de Voo
PR-QQ              0,7

PR-UU              2,9

Below follows the process I have to use to adapt in LAMBDA.

    @dtInicial DATETIME,
    @dtFinal DATETIME
    SELECT a.cdAeronave 'dsAeronave', a.idAeronave
        ,SUM(CONVERT(numeric(10,1),DATEDIFF(minute,Convert(DATETIME, v.dtVoo+v.dsHoraInicial), Convert(DATETIME, v.dtVooFim+v.dsHoraFinal))/60.2)) AS 'HDV'
    FROM Voo v
    JOIN Aeronave a ON a.idAeronave = v.idAeronave
    WHERE v.dtVoo BETWEEN @dtInicial AND @dtFinal
    GROUP BY a.cdAeronave, a.idAeronave

And below the attempt of the LAMBDA.

IQueryable<Voo> selecionar = hdva.Include(a => a.Aeronave)
                     .Where(v => v.dtVoo <= Convert.ToDateTime(v.dtVoo + v.dsHoraInicial))
                     .Where(v => v.dtVoo >= Convert.ToDateTime(v.dtVooFim + v.dsHoraFinal))                         
                     .Select(s => new
                                idAeronave = s.Aeronave.idAeronave,
                                dsAeronave = s.Aeronave.cdAeronave,

                                hdv = Sum(Convert.ToDecimal
                                                                                Convert.ToDateTime(q.dtVoo + q.dsHoraInicial),
                                                                                Convert.ToDateTime(q.dtVooFim + q.dsHoraFinal)
                                                                                ) / 60
                    .GroupBy(a => a.Aeronave.cdAeronave, a => a.Aeronave.idAeronave.ToString());

I know the SUM is wrong and that the 'q'(The name q does not exist in the current context) inside the SUM is not being called, but I’m not sure how to make it all work.

1 answer


Assuming we have this sampling information:

List<Aeronave> aeronaves = new List<Aeronave>()
    new Aeronave()
        cdAeronave = "001",
        dsAeronave = "001",
        idAeronave = 1
    new Aeronave()
        cdAeronave = "002",
        dsAeronave = "002",
        idAeronave = 2

List<Voo> voos = new List<Voo>()
    new Voo()
        Aeronave = aeronaves.First(r => r.idAeronave == 1),
        dsHoraInicial = "10:00",
        dsHoraFinal = "20:00",
        dtVoo = new DateTime(2019, 1, 10),
        dtVooFim = new DateTime(2019, 1, 11),
        idAeronave = 1,
        idVoo = "001"
    new Voo()
        Aeronave = aeronaves.First(r => r.idAeronave == 1),
        dsHoraInicial = "09:00",
        dsHoraFinal = "20:00",
        dtVoo = new DateTime(2019, 1, 9),
        dtVooFim = new DateTime(2019, 1, 9),
        idAeronave = 1,
        idVoo = "002"
    new Voo()
        Aeronave = aeronaves.First(r => r.idAeronave == 2),
        dsHoraInicial = "10:00",
        dsHoraFinal = "09:00",
        dtVoo = new DateTime(2019, 1, 8),
        dtVooFim = new DateTime(2019, 1, 9),
        idAeronave = 2,
        idVoo = "003"

var aeronave = aeronaves.First(r => r.idAeronave == 1);
aeronave.Voos = voos.Where(r => r.idAeronave == 1).ToList();

aeronave = aeronaves.First(r => r.idAeronave == 2);
aeronave.Voos = voos.Where(r => r.idAeronave == 2).ToList();

We have then:

  • idAeronave = 1 => 34:00 (idVoo 001) + 11am (idVoo 002) * 60 = 2,700m / 60,2 = 44,9 HDV
  • idAeronave = 2 => 23h (idVoo 003) * 60 = 1,380m / 60,2 = 22,9 HDV

With the code below, in Query Expression, we have exactly this result (accounting for all dates, since 01/01/1900 at the present date, 27/02/2019):

DateTime dataInicial = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime dataFinal = DateTime.Now;

var lista = from voo in voos
            join anave in aeronaves on voo.idAeronave equals anave.idAeronave into voonaves
            from anave in voonaves.DefaultIfEmpty()
            where voo.dtVoo >= dataInicial && voo.dtVoo <= dataFinal
            group anave by new { anave.cdAeronave, anave.idAeronave } into gnaves
            select new
                dsAeronave = gnaves.Key.cdAeronave,
                idAeronave = gnaves.Key.idAeronave,
                HDV = gnaves.Max(r => r.Voos.Sum(x => Math.Round(DateTime.Parse(string.Format(@"{0} {1}", x.dtVooFim.ToShortDateString(), x.dsHoraFinal))
                    .Subtract(DateTime.Parse(string.Format(@"{0} {1}", x.dtVoo.ToShortDateString(), x.dsHoraInicial))).TotalMinutes / 60.2, 1)))


[0] = { dsAeronave = "001", idAeronave = 1, HDV = 44.9 }
[1] = { dsAeronave = "002", idAeronave = 2, HDV = 22.9 }

Another perspective, Lambda Expression, with the same results:

DateTime dataInicial = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime dataFinal = DateTime.Now;

var lista2 = aeronaves.GroupBy(r => new { r.cdAeronave, r.idAeronave })
            .Select(r => new
                dsAeronave = r.Key.cdAeronave,
                idAeronave = r.Key.idAeronave,
                HDV = r.Max(x => x.Voos.Sum(y => Math.Round(DateTime.Parse(string.Format(@"{0} {1}", y.dtVooFim.ToShortDateString(), y.dsHoraFinal))
                    .Subtract(DateTime.Parse(string.Format(@"{0} {1}", y.dtVoo.ToShortDateString(), y.dsHoraInicial))).TotalMinutes / 60.2, 1)))
  • Joao, in fact, I tested and still had problems with the sum, but thank you very much for the help!

  • If the answer was useful to you, give an UP! But by the way, what error gives you?

  • Sorry. Error says that Sum is not a Flight method since it belongs to Flight class. It would only work if it was a Ienumerable, where this method could be invoked. Another error is the Unexpected Character $.

  • Answer changed to avoid errors. Try to run as you are now.

  • I’ve checked flights and aircraft like this ICollection<Voo> voos = db.Voos.ToList();&#xA;ICollection<Aeronave> aeronaves = db.Aeronaves.ToList(); I modified the where for that reason voo.dtVoo >= DateTime.Parse(string.Format(@"{0} {1}", viewModel.dtVoo.ToShortDateString(), voo.dsHoraInicial))&#xA; && viewModel.dtVoo <= DateTime.Parse(string.Format(@"{0} {1}", viewModel.dtVooFim.ToShortDateString(),voo.dsHoraFinal)) lista doesn’t work when I put it on foreach after a long time waiting.

  • @Rodrigoferraz, I changed my answer considerably and included examples. I hope it helps!

  • Martins, this code returned all the aircraft, even those without Flight, in any time interval informed, because the Where was missing. I’ll try to implement that part, but thank you very much!

  • I could only explain, please, why you included MAX?

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