How to make the input follow the last character inserted?


Viewed 73 times


The problem is this.

I made a calculator and the result input this as readonly. To insert the number into it just by clicking on the buttons I made as shown in the following photo:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

However, when arriving at the end of the input it does not follow the last character because it would only do so if the input was in focus (that is, if I was typing in it).

How can I make the input always follow the last character ?

Below is my project on Codepen.

Project Calculator in Codepen

  • 1

    Without your code you can only answer on kick, post at least one Codepen or Jsfiddle so we can test

  • 1

    You would have to concatenate the value you already have in the input + the number clicked. But it’s good to see your code because there are different ways to do this.

  • @hugocsl I edited my post, that was my js code that I used to keep adding the typed numbers. (I’m a beginner, so I did it in the most basic way, I don’t know if there’s a better way).

  • 1

    John, I think it would be nice if you put the entire code, including CSS and HTML in addition to JS, because without CSS and HTML you can’t simulate your calculator. In last vc tb can post your code in a Codepen or Jsfiddle and post the link here.

  • @hugocsl Upei no codepen, the link is at the end of the post, I accept any correction.

  • 1

    Face it seems that when the input text is larger than the input width it happens a by default one align the text to the left at Blur time, even though the input is initially aligned to the right... So when the input text exceeds its width and you click outside the field it does not align the text "correctly".... Look at this gif look at what happens after I fill and click out, it puts the text at the beginning....

  • The alignment is only on the right if the input is focused. I’m searching how to fix this.

  • @hugocsl Ready, I was able to change using the "Direction" attribute of css, and added msm to ":not(:Focus)".

  • 1

    Very good John, nice balcony!

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1 answer


I’ll give you a hint and an answer that might solve your problem.

All aligned to the right

90% of the calculators I know the alignment of the text is right. Do you know why? Because as the number grows you always know the last digit that was typed and can check the screen the last number that was entered.

So avoid changing the default behavior of already known objects. You can read about Affordance here

Affordance English term, not currently translated in Portuguese, but which, in this context, could be easily translated by "acknowledging" or "opportunity"


So, even for the sake of Euristics, it would be interesting to keep the alignment right, which is the way most users are used to and which corresponds more faithfully to the calculators "real".

Euristicas de Nielsen

  • Second Law: Correspondence between the system and the real world
  • Fourth Law: Consistency and standards


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This is the Google calculator
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This is the one from Windows
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And that of Android
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Now the code that can help you

Basically in your input you should put a text-align: right

<input type="text" style="text-align:right" placeholder="digite aqui">
<input type="text" style="text-align:right" readonly value="texto a direita 0">

  • I hadn’t paid attention and thought about it, I was so focused on making that happen that I didn’t even think about changing the alignment to the right. Thank you very much.

  • 1

    @Johncovv without problems my dear! Although it was simple to solve, there is a whole "why" to use the alignment there. Good luck in the project ai []s

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