Connect time counter with the datetime of the database


Viewed 84 times


Guys I’m with this script but I can not connect to the database at all, please help me??

is working perfectly this way, more precise pull the date from the database.

Is returning these errors:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a Member Function format() on Boolean in C: xampp htdocs listar listar_usuario.php:12 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C: xampp htdocs listar listar_usuario.php on line 12

What’s in the database --> 2019-02-25 12:47:27
How it should present --> 1 day, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 4 seconds ago

include_once "conexao.php";

//consultar no banco de dados
$result_usuario = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(data_acesso, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%i-%s') as data_acesso FROM adms_ultimos_acessos ORDER BY id DESC;";
$resultado_usuario = mysqli_query($conn, $result_usuario) ;
$registro = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_usuario ); // <--- esta linha
$adms_ultimos_acessos = preg_replace("(\:|\s)", "-", $registro['data_acesso']);
$adms_ultimos_acessos = str_replace(":", "-", $registro['data_acesso']);
$adms_ultimos_acessos = str_replace(" ", "-", $adms_ultimos_acessos);
$adms_ultimos_acessos = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $registro['data_acesso']);
$adms_ultimos_acessos = $adms_ultimos_acessos->format('Y-m-d-H-i-s');

//Verificar se encontrou resultado na tabela "usuarios"
if(mysqli_num_rows($resultado_usuario) > 0){

$adms_ultimos_acessos = $registro ['data_acesso']; // <-- aqui está o registro
$databd2 = date('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
$data1   = explode('-', $adms_ultimos_acessos); 
$data2   = explode('-', $databd2);  
$ano     = $data2[0] - $data1[0]; 
$mes     = $data2[1] - $data1[1]; 
$dia     = $data2[2] - $data1[2];  
$hora    = $data2[3] - $data1[3]; 
$min     = $data2[4] - $data1[4]; 
$seg     = $data2[5] - $data1[5];                                   
// configuração data  
if ($mes < 0) {$ano--;  $mes = 12 + $mes; }  
if ($dia < 0) { $mes--;     $dia = 30 + $dia; }  
if ($ano > 0) { $str_ano = $ano . ' ano'; } 
if ($ano > 1) { $str_ano .= 's '; }  
if ($mes > 0) { @$str_mes .= $mes . ' mes'; }  
if ($mes > 1) {     
if ($ano > 0) { $str_ano .= ', ';   }   $str_mes .= 'es'; } 
if ($dia > 0) { $str_dia = $dia . ' dia'; }  
if ($dia > 1) {     
if ($mes > 0) { $str_mes .= ', ';   }   $str_dia .= 's'; }                                      
// configuração hora  
if ($min < 0) {$hora--; $min = 60 + $min; }  
if ($seg < 0) { $min--; $seg = 60 + $seg; }  
if ($hora > 0) { $str_hora = $hora . ' hora'; }  
if ($hora > 1) { @$str_hora .= 's'; }  
if ($min > 0) { @$str_min .= $min . ' minuto'; }  
if ($min > 1) {     
if ($hora > 0) { @$str_hora .= ', ';    }   @$str_min .= 's'; }  
if ($seg > 0) { $str_seg = $seg . ' seg'; }  
if ($seg > 1) {     
if ($min > 0) { $str_min .= ' e ';  }   $str_seg .= 's'; }                                      

    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
                <th>Data acesso</th>

            while($row_usuario = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_usuario)){
                    <th><?php echo $row_usuario['data_acesso']; ?></th>
                    <th><?php echo @$str_ano, @$str_mes, @$str_dia,', ', @$str_hora, @$str_min, @$str_seg,  ' atrás'; ?>
    echo "<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>Nenhum usuário encontrado!</div>";
  • This is the complete code ? because it has nothing to do with the database connection.

  • Yes I edited, the connection I made but I can’t pull the data from there understand? I’m not getting to do the SELECT* part and insert in $databd1

  • From what I understand I need to take the value of the query and insert in $databd1 is not?

  • Yes, your select will return only this value to be worked on the date?

  • What date do you need to pull from the bank? Date of a record?

  • But what is the name of the date field? What is the name of the table?

  • this exactly will work similarly to the time the comment was added, only I can’t create that part of SELECT on the date of registration, if you have an example using that code of mine or have some other solution that works in a similar way, give me the link please, thank you from now on

  • You need to be clearer Wesley. It’s not giving to understand what you want.

  • table:search field:databd1

  • $register = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); instead of $query it would be $resultado_usuario, this is one of the first errors

  • With the help of Andrei I modified some things I will post a new edition there

  • Hello there as it stood and the mistakes of the return.

  • The format of the date saved in the seat?

  • He is saved like this: 2019-02-25 12:47:27 datetime

  • I think the error is in the structure that he is getting the date

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1 answer


The problem is the format of the date that is coming from the bank, you are getting in format aaaa-mm-dd hh:mm:ss and is treating it as if it were in format aaaa-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss, you need to convert it, follow a few options for you to choose a

  1. In SQL:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(data_acesso, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%i-%s") as data_acesso FROM adms_ultimos_acessos ORDER BY id DESC
  1. In PHP with preg_replace:

$adms_ultimos_acessos = preg_replace("(\:|\s)", "-", $registro['data_acesso']);
  1. In PHP with str_replace:

$adms_ultimos_acessos = str_replace(":", "-", $registro['data_acesso']);
$adms_ultimos_acessos = str_replace(" ", "-", $adms_ultimos_acessos);
  1. In PHP with DateTime:

$adms_ultimos_acessos = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $registro['data_acesso']);
$adms_ultimos_acessos = $adms_ultimos_acessos->format('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
  • Error inserting SELECT DATE_FORMAT(accessdata_, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%i-%s") as data_access FROM adms_ultimos_accesses ORDER BY id DESC

  • ai insert lines: $adms_ultimos_accesses = Datetime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record['data_access']); $adms_ultimos_accesses = $adms_ultimos_accesses->format('Y-m-d-H-i-s'); Returns error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a Member Function format() on Boolean in C: xampp htdocs listar listar_usuario.php:24 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C: xampp htdocs listar listar_usuario.php on line 24

  • I put 4 options should use only one of them

  • I just came back to read again, it is formatting more is not pulling the database data

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