Speak up, people, blz?
I would like to know how to make the following logic in SQL:
if( 1 = select * from tblA or
1 = select * from tblB or
1 = select * from tblC or
1 = select * from tblD or )
Print 'ABC'
Speak up, people, blz?
I would like to know how to make the following logic in SQL:
if( 1 = select * from tblA or
1 = select * from tblB or
1 = select * from tblC or
1 = select * from tblD or )
Print 'ABC'
FROM tblA)
FROM tblB)
FROM tblC)
FROM tblD)
Yeah, I get it. You seem to have a lot of experience in Development, I wonder if you can help me in a problem I have: I am developing an application(not only developer), but I program reasonably well in c# . Come on: The problem is this I have a table called Scale: http://prntscr.com/mp25qt <-- Design from it
I want to create a Trigger that Blocks the Insert or update on it If it has any scale in the same range and is of the same type. Got it right? Can you help me?
@Gustavopedro then has some questions about triggers
that block here in the OS already, but without knowing which the SGBD
I can’t even tell you which ones
It is SQL Server 2012
Yes, I’ll take a look there vlw :D
Browser other questions tagged sql if sql-insert where
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Your question is not clear. You did not inform the
using neither what would be thePrint
. Do you want to show on the console? Why not use aquery
for that reason?– Sorack
So I just want a way to do this, I don’t know mt of SQL, if you have another (more efficient) foma you can send, you are welcome :D
– Gustavo Pedro
The print doesn’t matter is just some message I’m going to choose, I believe to resolve this, this is irrelevant
– Gustavo Pedro