I made a drag-n-drop with the jQuery, but I want that when the person fills in all appear a feedback, someone has some idea of how to do this, follow an example of my code
<img src="image.png" class="card01">
<img src="image.png" class="card02">
<div class="bloco01"></div>
<div class="bloco02"></div>
<div class-"feedback"></div>"
$( function() {
$( ".card01" ).draggable({ revert: "invalid" });
$( ".bloco01" ).droppable({
accept: ".card01",
drop: function( event, ui ) {
$( this ).addClass("ui-state-highlight");
$( ".card01" ).addClass('dropped');
$( ".card02" ).draggable({ revert: "invalid" });
$( ".bloco02" ).droppable({
accept: ".card02",
drop: function( event, ui ) {
$( this ).addClass("ui-state-highlight");
$( ".card02" ).addClass('dropped');
Fill all what?? You have div and img, what have you got there to fill in? Your question is not clear
– hugocsl
I edited the code, I want that when inserting all images in the corresponding Ivs,appear a message in the feedback class, for example congratulations you filled everything
– Thi100