Angular 7 - catchError is not intercepting exceptions


Viewed 472 times


The catchError operator is not intercepting back-end errors. For example, in the back end I do an email check and return an exception if the email already exists, as below:

public Usuario insert(Usuario usuario) {
    if (usuarioService.findByEmail(usuario.getEmail()) == null) {
        usuario = getRepository().save(usuario);
        return usuario;
    }else {
        throw new DataIntegrityException("Email já está em uso");

However, on the front end in Angular 7, in my service method, the exception is not intercepted and the application redirects me to the main screen, preventing a proper handling and feedback of the error. Follows service code:

export class UsuarioService{

url: string = `${API_CONFIG.baseUrl}/usuarios`;

usuariosChanged = new EventEmitter<Observable<Usuario[]>>();

constructor(private http: HttpClient){

findAll(): Observable<Usuario[]>{
    return this.http.get<Usuario[]>(${this.url});

findById(id: number): Observable<Usuario>{
    return this.http.get<Usuario>(`${this.url}/id/${id}`);

post(usuario: Usuario): Observable<Usuario>{
    return<Usuario>(this.url, usuario)
            tap(data => this.usuariosChanged.emit(this.findAll())),

private handleError(error: any) {
    let erro = error.message || 'Server error';
    console.error('Ocorreu um erro', error);
    return Observable.throw(erro);

And excerpt from the Component:

        .subscribe(data => {
           this.notificationService.notify("Usuário salvo com sucesso!");
        error => { 
           alert("Ocorreu um erro ao salvar!");

I still have an Httpinterceptor. My requests go through it, but if they are in error, they are not captured by the catcher either. Follows the code of the Interceptor:

export class ErrorInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor{


intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>{
    return next.handle(req).pipe(catchError(err => {
        const error = err.error.message || err.statusText;
        return throwError(error);

export const ErrorInterceptorProvider = {
    useClass: ErrorInterceptor,
   multi: true,
  • What is the status of your error request?

  • In the above code I am returning the status 400. But I have already forced a 404 for example and had the same behavior.

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