How to know which is the SQL server tool?


Viewed 41 times


I am at Visual Studio 2017 which is connected to the SQL server database ,SQL server is running on the Linux server, this server is running in the cloud.

What I am trying to do is copy the database directly into the SQL server database that is running on the Linux server.

NOTE: My Visual Studio is installed in windows on my local computer.

What happens is that database I will copy the data gang backup directly on SQL server it generates this error below;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

All I need is to know which tool I owe on the Linux server to be able to copy the backup to the SQL Server database.

  • Make sure the following document meets your needs:

  • I follow the guidelines described in this URL, but while trying to perform the operation I came across the same problem.

  • In the text of your question, could you detail what "this server is running in the cloud" means? In short, which service you are using. For example, in the case of Azure there is a difference between "Azure SQL Database" and "SQL Server in Azure MV".

  • It is a Linux server running in SQL serves.

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