Changing content of a Vue component based on the URL


Viewed 640 times


I would like to know how to change the content of a component based on a parameter that is in the url of my site.

I’m developing a portfolio and in it I created a file called Works.See.

I don’t know if I did it right, but in this same file I created an array with the content I want to present.

If it is in /stamp/1 it shows the content it finds with this id in the array and so on.

In Jobs.I have the following code:



    ( Conteúdo de acordo com o ID encontrado na url )




export default {

    data() {

        return {

            estampas: [


                    id: '1',
                    name: 'Estampa 1',
                    content: [

                        { img: '', caption: 'Legenda 1 estampa 1' },
                        { img: '', caption: 'Legenda 2 estampa 1' },
                        { img: '', caption: 'Legenda 3 estampa 1' }




                    id: '2',
                    name: 'Estampa 2',
                    content: [

                        { img: '', caption: 'Legenda 1 estampa 2' },
                        { img: '', caption: 'Legenda 2 estampa 2' }







  • Good morning man, the resolution to your problem is Vuerouter Dynamic:

  • Good morning, thanks for the reply! I had already taken a look at this part of the documentation. I even forgot to mention but on my route I already have a path: '/stamp/:id'. I’m a little lost on how to exchange content in Works.Vue based on the url id.

1 answer


Flávio what you can do is, extract the id that is coming through the url through a computed properties with regex and in Html use v-for to traverse the object estampas and a v-if to make a condition to display the stamp elements that have the id equal to the url:

let app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    url: 'estampa/:1', // Mude o id de 1 para 2, será mostrado estampa 2
    estampas: [{
        id: '1',
        name: 'Estampa 1',
        content: [

            img: '',
            caption: 'Legenda 1 estampa 1'
            img: '',
            caption: 'Legenda 2 estampa 1'
            img: '',
            caption: 'Legenda 3 estampa 1'


        id: '2',
        name: 'Estampa 2',
        content: [{
            img: '',
            caption: 'Legenda 1 estampa 2'
            img: '',
            caption: 'Legenda 2 estampa 2'
  computed: {
    id_url() {
      const url = this.url;
      const idUrl = /[*0-9]/g;
      const id = url.match(idUrl)[0];
      // retorna apenas o número do id da url
      return id;
<script src=""></script>

<div id="app">
  <div v-for="estampa in estampas">
    <div v-if=" == id_url">
      <p>ID: {{ }} - nome: {{ }}</p>
        <img :src="estampa.content[0].img">
        <figcaption>{{ estampa.content[0].caption }}</figcaption>
        <img :src="estampa.content[1].img">
        <figcaption>{{ estampa.content[1].caption }}</figcaption>

  • Thanks Leandrade! That’s right. The only thing I did different was IF. I applied it like this: <template v-if=" == $">, so I didn’t use computed, I got the url ID using $ All right on this?

  • All right man, if $ is returning a number yes, all right.

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