Check if one or more server(s) AD is(not) active(s)


Viewed 47 times


It is possible, through Javascript, to verify that an AD server is active?

In my company there are 4 servers and I would like to know which is active to make an authentication via AD.

  • Verification can be done by a ping?

  • I think not... since the check would be through Javascript. Actually do not know if to ping and return true or false by Javascript

  • Ideally you would perform an LDAP query, but I do not know if it is possible via JS.

  • 1

    @Leonardovinicius: I asked why I found this code that simulates a ping in Javascript. It tries to write information to the server, if the server denies or allows the operation means it is active(true). If the server does not respond, it is not available (false).

  • 1

    Dude... I think it’s gonna work. I’ll see if it works!

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