Change the result of a TD value for a dynamic table image


Viewed 81 times


I’m developing a visual availability map, and I created a dynamic table, so far everything right. I need to get the result of <td> and transform into images.

Example: my <td> returns 900, I need to change this value to an X image; mine <td> returns 100, change this value to image Y. understood?

Follow below my Javascript.

var div = document.getElementById("situacao1");

            //var dataset = DatasetFactory.getDataset("colleague", null, null, null);
            //var dataset = DatasetFactory.getDataset("dsEmpreendimentos", null, constraints, null);
            try {
            var dataset = DatasetFactory.getDataset("dsUnidadeVenda", null, constraints, null);
            div.innerHTML = showDataset(dataset);
            } catch(erro) {
                div.innerHTML = erro;

function showDataset(dataset) {
    var tabela = "<table id=minhaTabela>";

    //Monta o cabeçalho
    tabela += "<tr>";
    for (var i = 0; i < dataset.columns.length; i++) {
        tabela += "<th>" + dataset.columns[i] + "</th>";
    tabela += "</tr>";

    //Monta os registros   
    for (var x = 0; x < dataset.values.length; x++) {
        tabela += "<tr>";
        var row = dataset.values[x];
        for (var y = 0; y < dataset.columns.length; y++) {
            tabela += "<td id=td_sit>" + row[dataset.columns[y]] + "</td>";
        tabela += "</tr>";

    tabela += "</table>";
    return tabela;

The return of Javascript in HTML is this.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

There’s only one result column.

Below is the return of the Result, of the question. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Bruno, you want to change the content of <td> of character 900, for a image?

  • Without knowing the structure of the table becomes difficult, because it is not known which column you want to take the values... or would be all columns?

  • only has a column that returns the code.

  • But what is the column? the first, the second, the third....

  • I edited my question and put an image of the JS return in HTML.

2 answers


You can do it this way (see comments in the code):

// seleciona as TDs
var cols = document.querySelectorAll("#minhaTabela td");

// percorre as TDs
for(var x = 0; x < cols.length; x++){

   // pega o número da TD
      // insere a imagem de acordo com o número dentro da TD
      case 100:
      cols[x].innerHTML = '<img src="">';
      case 900:
      cols[x].innerHTML = '<img src="">';

   width: 100px;
<table id=minhaTabela border="1">

In your case, put the code inside the try after the div.innerHTML:

try {

   var dataset = DatasetFactory.getDataset("dsUnidadeVenda", null, constraints, null);
   div.innerHTML = showDataset(dataset);

   // seleciona as TDs
   var cols = document.querySelectorAll("#minhaTabela td");

   // percorre as TDs
   for(var x = 0; x < cols.length; x++){

      // pega o número da TD

         // insere a imagem de acordo com o número dentro da TD

         case 100:
         cols[x].innerHTML = '<img src="">';

         case 900:
         cols[x].innerHTML = '<img src="">';



} catch(erro) {
   div.innerHTML = erro;

Using an object

You can also create an object and keep the path of the images according to the number. I think it makes it easier to organize and dry the code more:

var imgs_ = {
   "100": "",
   "900": ""

// seleciona as TDs
var cols = document.querySelectorAll("#minhaTabela td");

// percorre as TDs
for(var x = 0; x < cols.length; x++){

   // insere a imagem de acordo com o número
   cols[x].innerHTML = '<img src="'+imgs_[Number(cols[x].textContent)]+'">';

   width: 100px;
<table id=minhaTabela border="1">

  • Sam, thanks for the answers, but I didn’t understand one thing, should I mount the tebela in HTML? Because I assemble my java script like this. <div name="situacao1" id="situacao1">

  • No. The table I put above was just an example. I hope I will update the answer to get better

  • I updated the answer. It should work, then you just change the src of the images you want to put

  • Guy was right, thank you very much, that’s what I needed.

  • I will add an even simpler form to the answer.. Just a moment

  • If the answer solved, be sure to mark ... Té more!

  • this other leaner I replaced in place of the previous one and it did not work

  • I put the code to work in the answer. If you run see that works too :)

  • found error had left catch inside var img=, now I sure thank you....

  • Sam, sorry to bother you again, but Voce was right I need to add two more columns, as I do with this code you gave me, as I do to select the third column, where the code will be.

  • Just change it up: var cols = document.querySelectorAll("#minhaTabela td:nth-child(3)");

  • Just takes away a doubt this is jquery? this function td:Nth-Child(3)?

  • There is no jQuery there. The :Nth-Child(3) is a CSS selector, which selects the specified 3rd element.

  • guy got top I’ll post, the print. Really worth....

Show 9 more comments


Good morning, my friend. I’m not sure I understand your question. Can you give me more details? If your question is about how to change the tag "src" attribute <img> you can do this using jquery yourself. Assign an id to the tag <img> and then do the following:

$("#id_tag_imagem").attr("src", "caminho_arquivo_imagem.jpg");

If this does not help you, comment here giving us more details about your question so that it is easier to help you.


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