Take a field value by id and put it into a variable


Viewed 1,515 times


Hello, I have a field on a form that receives the id: "teste", how can I catch via javascript this value and put in a variable??

I found the following on the internet

var str = document.getElementById("teste").value;

But it brings me value undefined, there is some other way?

My form:

<div class="divFormulario">
    .Items(items =>
    .Items(groupItems =>
       groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_quantidade)
      .Editor(e => e.NumberBox().ID("teste").Width("70px").OnKeyPress("key_press").OnEnterKey("enter")); 


 function enter() {
     str = document.getElementById("teste").value;

Inspected page:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Post your HTML file

  • Post your HTML and what you tried with Javascript

  • I don’t know what DOM is, my html is there

  • In javascript I just want to put in a variable the value, that’s all

  • All right, that was it?

  • Sorry, I posted the wrong version, I used .value msm

  • It will inspect browser elements and see how the field’s HTML looks.

  • Ready, posted in photo because it is easier to understand

  • @Sam in answer of user139742 I show what I return when I do innerHTML, is easier to understand

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4 answers


You can try something like this:


<form method="get">
    <input type="text" id="inputId" />
    <input type="submit" id="submitId" value="Enviar" />


// Função que mostra o valor do input num alert
function mostrarValor() {

// Evento que é executado toda vez que uma tecla for pressionada no input
document.getElementById("inputId").onkeypress = function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 13) {

// Evento que é executado ao clicar no botão de enviar
document.getElementById("submitId").onclick = function(e) {
  • My problem is that by doing document.getElementById("inputId").value he returns me Undefined, maybe it’s something in my html


You are using DevExtreme, I’ve been doing some research and you’d better use it onValueChanged instead of onEnterKey, because whenever the value is changed the function is executed


Just you do:

<div class="divFormulario">
    .Items(items =>
    .Items(groupItems =>
       groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_quantidade)
      .Editor(e => e.NumberBox().ID("teste").Width("70px").OnKeyPress("key_press").onValueChanged("enter")); 


 function enter(e) { //Tem que passar e como parâmetro 
     str = e.value; //Aqui pega o valor que foi digitado


The problem is you’re trying to get the value of a div.

Divs has no values, only input, textarea and other elements that receive user input.

If you want to recover internal HTML from div, use


Or if you want to recover only the text, without the possible tag declarations, use

  • innerText get back to me "" and innerHTML returns everything, but shows me the correct value, how can I get the value ?

  • "<input type="hidden" value="15" name="Fpg_quantidade"><div class="dx-texteditor-container">... innerHTML returns this to me, and I wanted only the value field


You must assign the ID you want to pick up in some html string.

For example:

<p id="teste">Algum texto de exemplo</p>
  • 2

    I did that, missed posting, sorry

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