Get numerical values from the database with comma and dots [FIREBIRD + C#]


Viewed 124 times


Hello, everyone. I’m having trouble retrieving the numerical values from the database in my Datagridview already formatted (including commas and dots).

The code that gets the data through a process and adds in my Datagridview is:

 string sql = "SELECT * FROM BUSCA_DETALHES_CARTEIRA(1, '1-JAN-2017', '31-JAN-2019', '1', 'N')";

        using (FbCommand command_ObtemDadosRel = new FbCommand(sql, ConexaoAoBanco))

            using (IDataReader reader = command_ObtemDadosRel.ExecuteReader())
                while (reader.



Values directly in my database are formatted already (with semicolons):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But in the Datagridviewgets like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The details are: I’ve tried using the conversion option for Decimal dataGridView1.Rows.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(reader[2]));

For the command of GetTypeCodeof Reader, returns to me that it is of the type Decimal

But I still tried Convert.ToDouble(reader[2])), dataGridView1.Rows.Add(reader.GetDecimal(2).ToString()), dataGridView1.Rows.Add(reader.GetDouble(2).ToString()); and also dataGridView1.Rows.Add(reader.GetFloat(2).ToString()) only for the discharge of conscience. Both did not work.

This column of my database where I read and add in Datagridview the records are of the type Numeric.

How can I get the values already with commas and dots? Need to adjust something at the time of reading the data or is some property itself Datagridview?

  • dataGridView1.Columns["Column1"].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "n";

  • Sorry to ask, but where should this code be located? At which event?

  • I am a beginner.

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