Returning Added Data in a Dictionary


Viewed 82 times


In my code I am asking the user to enter the note, n° of registration and frequency of 2 people.

But I want to do this using dictionaries, so I declared the keys 'Nota', 'Matricula' and 'Freqüência' and stored in the variable aluno. But when it comes time to display the data of these two students using the method items() i can access only the data of 1° student or the data of 2° student, never the two together.

My question is how to display the two data of student A and student B using the dictionaries.

aluno = dict()

lista = []

for i in range(2):

    aluno['Nota'] = int(input(f'Digite o nota do aluno {i+1}: '))

    aluno['Matricula'] = int(input(f'Digite o numero da matricula: '))

    aluno['Frequencia'] = int(input('Digite a frequencia em porcentagem: '))



for k,v in lista[1].items():

    print(k,':',  v,)
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2 answers


You need to go through each of the positions of lista to then access the k and v of each of them.

In practice, his last for end would look like this:

for aluno in lista:
    for k,v in aluno.items():
        print(k,':', v)

Here I access each aluno in lista, that is to say, lista[0] and then lista[1], and do the print() of the key k and the value v of each of the items().

  • Thank you very much, I was really missing from the top, because I was going through the list, not the student on each list, with the first being I go through the student A and the student B and then with the second is I display the key and the value


As explained by reply from @Rafael, you need to go through the entire list to print the data of all students. By doing lista[1], you are only accessing the second student (since arrays begin with the zero index: the first element is lista[0], the second is lista[1], etc.).

But there are still other details you can change if you want.

Instead of creating the dictionary aluno outside the loop and make a copy every time, you can create it inside the loop:

for i in range(2):
    aluno = dict() # cria um novo dicionário
    ... # lê os dados do aluno
    lista.append(aluno) # não precisa copiar

Or you can move all the creation logic of a student to a function:

# lê os dados do aluno e retorna o dicionário com esses dados
def ler_dados_aluno(i):
    aluno = dict()
    aluno['Nota'] = int(input(f'Digite o nota do aluno {i + 1}: '))
    aluno['Matricula'] = int(input(f'Digite o numero da matricula: '))
    aluno['Frequencia'] = int(input('Digite a frequencia em porcentagem: '))
    return aluno

And then you can create the list using the syntax of comprehensilist on:

lista = [ler_dados_aluno(i) for i in range(2)]

The above code is equivalent to:

lista = []
for i in range(2):

But the comprehensilist on, in addition to more succinct, is considered the most pythonic.

Already to print the list, enjoy that you already have available the f-strings and use them:

for i, aluno in enumerate(lista):
    print(f'Dados do aluno {i + 1}:')
    for k, v in aluno.items():
        print(f'- {k} : {v}') # use a f-string para imprimir a chave e valor de uma vez

Note that I gave an "increment". I used enumerate to have, in addition to the student, the respective index of him in the list (only to be able to print "Student X data"), and also used the f-strings to print the information.

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