Check the registration field


Viewed 35 times


Is there any way to force in my registration form only use gmail?

            if(filter_var($post_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
            if(strlen($post_password) >= 8){
                if(!preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{ @#~?><>,|=_+¬-]/', $post_login)){
                    if(!player_exist_login($post_login) && !player_exist_email2($post_email)){
                                $check_msg = l(170);
                            $check_msg = l(84);
                        $check_msg = l(83);
                    $check_msg = l(81);
                $check_msg = l(80);
            $check_msg = l(79);
  • You can use the function includes JS to check if the substring exists inside the string that stores the value of the email...

  • 1

    If it’s just gmail, why let the user fill in? It wouldn’t be simpler to input the domain BEFORE? [campo input]

1 answer


Use a regular expression pattern:


In practice:

if (!preg_match("/@gmail\.com$/i", $endereco_email))
// Nao tem

Learn more about regular expressions.

I don’t know where the email is tested, but I inserted it into the sending function, check:

function player_create($a,$b,$c,$d){
 return true;
function player_exist_login($a){
 return true;
function l($a){
 return true;

if(player_send_email_register("asdasdasdasdasdasdasd","[email protected]","asdasdasdasdasdasdasd","UTF-8")){

  if (!preg_match("/@gmail\.com$/i", "[email protected]"))
    echo "nao tem";
    else {
    echo "tem";



  • To check END of string: substr($string, -<tamanho da substring>) == <substring>

  • regex only right?

  • That gives true: strpos("[email protected]","")

  • '|^[A-Z0-9. _%+-][email protected]$|i' is what I get, check?

  • 1

    The regex is not the problem, the version with strpos only, I believe.

  • Edit the check as in the reply and see if it looks good for you, the expression you use is dirty with unnecessary rule.

  • Elisei I updated the post with my php code could kindly check.

  • Unfortunately it did not work and not to prolong too much I put in Pastebin for you to understand my mess.. forgive me.. in this bin look for: Register User Thanks for the promptness.

  • Reduce your code, leave only the part where the verification should be done, it will be more practical and easy to finish your post.

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