Validation multi-company mysql relationship


Viewed 77 times


Problem: a company can associate records that are not hers, just informing the id in the relationship

Setting: My API is multi-company and each company manages its records (products, orders ...), but these companies can only view and use records that belong to them. However, it is possible to insert an id of another company’s product into an order and should not

Example: The Apple company can only inform the iPhone product on your orders, in case you try to inform the Google Pixel should appear some error message

Remarks: I hope I don’t need to validate each record associated with the request before saving it, as my actual schema has multiple relationships (20 tables associated with a request, about 2 cascading levels) and this is just a small example. It would be very complicated to search the database for each product and check if it belongs to the company. I think it would be possible to avoid this recording with some index setting

Question: How can I avoid associating other companies' records with the company’s current records, even by informing the id in the body of the request?

I appreciate your help, because I have a system in production with this situation.


export class Company {

  id: number;

  name: string;

  @OneToMany(() => Product, (product) =>
  products: Product[];

  @OneToMany(() => Order, (order) =>
  orders: Order[];


export class Product {

  id: number;

  description: string;

  @ManyToOne(() => Company, (company) => company.products)
  company: Company;


export class Order {

  id: number;

  description: string;

  @ManyToOne(() => Company, (company) => company.orders)
  company: Company;

  @ManyToMany(() => Product)
  products: Product[];


export class OrderController {

    public repository: Repository<Order>,
  ) { }

  public async create(@Body() body: Order): Promise<Order> { = undefined;
    body = await;
    return await this.repository.findOne(, { relations: ['products'] });

  public async update(@Param('id') id, @Body() body: Order): Promise<Order> { = Number(id);
    return await this.repository.findOne(id, { relations: ['products'] });


  • id: 1 Description: Apple
  • id: 2 Description: Google

Product Table

  • id: 1 Description: iPhone companyId: 1
  • id: 2 Description: Google Pixel companyId: 2

POST http://localhost:3040/Orders Body Request: Obs.: here the user informs the iPhone that is a product he knows, and forces the product with id 2, and this is an unknown product, because api only returns what products are visible to Apple, in this case only iPhone

    "company": 1,
    "description": "Order 001",
    "products": [
            "id": 1,
            "description": "iPhone"
            "id": 2

Body Response: Note: Even when informing the product of another company, in the return of the api is presented the Google Pixel that could not be registered in the Apple order. Here you must have an error message

    "id": 2,
    "description": "Order 001",
    "products": [
            "id": 1,
            "description": "iPhone"
            "id": 2,
            "description": "Google Pixel"


Order Table


Product Table of the Order



  1. The solution to validate whether the order can be saved based on the constant of the company ID the user is logged in to, only works for the first level, in this case the order. The issue is that the related products in the order, may not come with the informed business field, only with the ID
  2. I really don’t see how an elegant and reusable solution can consult product by product in the database to see if it belongs to the company or not, I believe mysql itself could have some form of validating by the foreign key if the record can be associated with no at the time of recording by the ORM
  • Translate the question and post again!

  • Making use of a WHERE condition in output to filter the item by business id would not Solve?

  • @Eliseub. I think there may be a Forced Attack on the system Where the hacker can report deleterious Ids and get information from other Companies products. In this way, Even if he gets the Filtered products, he could get the Wrong products by entering the ID of a product while Recording an order

  • You can validate the output only if the product contains the company ID by validating through a CONSTANT provided by the system, and not allowing to pass the store ID in a query, but only validating the output with the CONSTANT ID provided by the system.

  • @Eliseub. I ended up not commenting, but the product informed in the order does not come with the company field informed in the API POST, in the case nor the order as well. In the example, I put this way to shorten, but this information must come from the logged-in user’s session. In this situation, I seek that the user only inform the ID of each product in the order and the ORM make the relationship, validating if the product is from the same company only validating by means of foreign key

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