Reactjs Private Routes and React Router


Viewed 1,118 times


You can implement private routes by receiving a JWT token in the header and body information in Reactjs with React Router?

  • Yes it is possible.

  • know some link with tutorial or sample code?

  • 1

    So unfortunately I have no public project with this content, but if I’m not mistaken in the channel of Rocketseat will have some content next to that.

1 answer


I use it this way in my applications

const PrivateRoute = ({component: Component,}) => {
return (

    <Route {} render={props => (
        isAuth() ?
            <Component {...props} />
        : <Redirect to="/signIn" />
    )} />

This isAuth() is a method that comes from a file I use to see if it is in localstorage

module.exports = {
    var user = localStorage.getItem('current_user')
        return false

    return true

And in your route file only you use Private route when you want to have an authenticated route

<PrivateRoute path="/suaRota" component={ SeuComponent } />

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