I have a question. I want to make a selections box depends on a page using Razor and javascript. TYPE, when selecting the community, the people corresponding to it have to appear. But I can’t call the function with the onchange. Can you help me ? Would there be any other way to do it ? (without using Json)
The code below :
<script language="JavaScript"></script>
<!--Adiciona as comunidades existentes numa lista-->
List<String> comunidades = new List<String>();
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Distinct [nom_Comunidade] FROM [COB].[dbo].[TB_M]
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
<!--Usa os valores da lista numa caixa de opções-->
<select name="teste" id="teste" onchange="test(this.value);">
@{ foreach (string rt in comunidades)
<script language="javascript">
function test1(valor)
//var thing = document.getElementById("teste").value;
var thing = valor;
String thing2 = Request["teste"];
List<String> all_rt = new List<String>();
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Distinct [nom_pessoa] FROM [COB].[dbo].[TB_M] where [nom_Comunidade] = '" + thing2 +"'" ;
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
foreach (string r in all_rt)
@foreach (string rt in all_rt)
You are calling the function "test", but in the code has a function "Test1", that’s right?
– Leonardo Buta
The server scripts blocks will run only before the browser response...
– Leandro Angelo
@Leonardol , the right is the 2 test 1. Ta so pq the last time I went to try a gambiarra haha.
– Pablo Ponciano
@Leandroangelo, how do I make it run only after the answer on the page?
– Pablo Ponciano
Do not, you should create a route for it on the server and fetch the values via Ajax... or you will have to reload the page. I think you’ll have to rethink your entire solution and study a little bit about the platform you’re using.
– Leandro Angelo
or.... you populate a javascript object with all the content at once and interact with it...
– Leandro Angelo
@Leandroangelo Da to make the ajax talk to the Azor? And another doubt, the object I would have to create in a js file apart or I can create it in the cshtml own page?
– Pablo Ponciano
Dude, you can do whatever you want and whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good option and especially if it should be done. My advice is that you take a step back, study harder and understand what you’re doing.
– Leandro Angelo