Difficulty creating Function in oracle


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I’m trying to create a function in the oracle, but I’m having a hard time creating her return.

CREATE OR REPLACE function simple_function(
     state             VARCHAR2,
     city_id           NUMBER)
IS ret VARCHAR2(255);
    SELECT 'XXX ' || state || ' - ' || city_id INTO ret FROM DUAL;
    RETURN ret;


When I try the simplified version, it works

CREATE OR REPLACE function simple_function(
     state             VARCHAR2,
     city_id           NUMBER)
    RETURN 'That''s All Folks!';

I saw some documentations, and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong about the return variable. There are some similar functions in the system, and they work, but the return is NUMBER, What I need is a return VARCHAR2, I don’t know if there’s any differential to this case.

  • In the parameter you are passing state and this using the variable Uf, which is not declared.

  • @Confuse Sorry, I was translating to post on stackoverflow, but I thought it would be simpler if you post here. the nomenclature is the same in my example. If you run the example, with the same variables, the error will be the same.

1 answer


When you create a function on Oracle you should inform if the parameter is input or output. In your example it would look like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE function simple_function(
   state IN VARCHAR2,
   city_id IN NUMBER
AS ret VARCHAR2(255);
  SELECT 'XXX ' || state || ' - ' || TO_CHAR(city_id)
    INTO ret

  RETURN ret;


When you create a Procedure or Function, you may define Parameters. There are three types of Parameters that can be declared:

  • IN - The Parameter can be referenced by the Procedure or Function. The value of the Parameter can not be overwritten by the Procedure or Function.
  • OUT - The Parameter can not be referenced by the Procedure or Function, but the value of the Parameter can be overwritten by the Procedure or Function.
  • IN OUT - The Parameter can be referenced by the Procedure or Function and the value of the Parameter can be overwritten by the Procedure or Function.

In free translation:

When you create a precedent or function, you can define parameters. There are three types of parameters that can be declared:

  • IN - The parameter can be referenced by the Procedure or Function. The value of the parameter cannot be overridden by the Procedure or Function.
  • OUT - The parameter cannot be referenced by the Procedure or Function, but the value of the parameter can be overridden by the Procedure or Function.
  • IN OUT - The parameter can be referenced by the Procedure or Function and the value of the parameter can be overridden by the Procedure or Function.
  • 1

    Recalling that this select would not be necessary simply assign the value to the variable.

  • @Motta like that does?

  • 2

    Ret := 'XXX ' || | state || ' - ' || TO_CHAR(city_id);

  • 1

    Thanks @Motta, I was curious about that

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