SUM of one table minus the SUM of another in the same field


Viewed 133 times


Hello, I am self-taught and already do some consultations in SQL but "stuck" in this.

I need a list where one of the fields should show the total of a column, minus the total of another that is in a second table.


Table A (Invoices)

| id   | docnum  |   valor    | clienteid  |
  1        25        150,00       23
  2        26        300,00       22
  3        27        450,25       23
  3        28        600,00       23

Table B (Receipts)

| id   | docnum  | numfac | valor   | valorpago| clienteid  | Tipo   |
   1       1         25     150,00      150,00       23        REC 
   2       2         27     450,25      100,00       23        REC
   3      25         45     -25,00      -25,00       23        FAL 
   4       3         27     450,25      100,00       23        REC
   5      88         78      55,25      -55,25       23        FAL

The Table To contains the Invoices issued

The Table B Contains the Paid Amounts

I need to get a listing of outstanding invoices by taking partial payments and ignoring those that are already paid.

The result should be as follows:

Cliente ValorDocumento ValorEmDebito
   22       300,00        300,00
   23      1000,25        800,25 

if you use this query:

SELECT f.docnum AS Doc,
       f.clienteid AS Cliente,
       f.valor AS ValorDocumento,
       f.valor - SUM(COALESCE(r.valorpago, 0)) As ValorEmDebito
  FROM Facturas f
  LEFT JOIN Recibos r
    ON r.numfac = f.docnum
WHERE   (r.tipodoc IS NULL or r.tipodoc='rec' ) and f.clientid=23 
 GROUP BY f.docnum,
HAVING f.valor - SUM(COALESCE(r.valorpago, 0)) > 0;

filtering by the customer 23 only partially paid invoice appears

  Cliente ValorDocumento ValorEmDebito
     23      450,25        250,25

and wanted it to appear

 Cliente ValorDocumento ValorEmDebito
   23       1000,25         600,25
  • What the SGBD used?

  • Hi, I’m using the TADO Delphi XE7

  • That’s not the SGBD. I’m asking if you’re using MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle...

  • But man, you’re doing it WHERE by customer 23... customer 23 only has an invoice that is fully paid and a partial, there is no way to show the 300,00 if it is not the customer you specified in WHERE

  • And in real as will appear 350,25 if he paid 2x 100,00

  • You’re Right, I Already Reformulated... is that I’ve been in this for days and the brain one day rescinds contract

  • Ah, you want per customer, not per document. This completely changes the solution

  • It Was My Mistake ... I’m so sorry for the confusion

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3 answers


Use the clause HAVING to filter the results you want (With the remaining output greater than 0):

SELECT f.docnum AS Doc,
       f.clienteid AS Cliente,
       f.valor AS ValorDocumento,
       f.valor - SUM(COALESCE(r.valorpago, 0)) As ValorEmDebito
  FROM Facturas f
  LEFT JOIN Recibos r
    ON r.numfac = f.docnum
 GROUP BY f.docnum,
HAVING f.valor - SUM(COALESCE(r.valorpago, 0)) > 0;

To query above will result in:

| Doc | Cliente | ValorDocumento | ValorEmDebito |
| --- | ------- | -------------- | ------------- |
| 26  | 22      | 300            | 300           |
| 27  | 23      | 450.25         | 250.25        |
  • In the query the two tables are linked by means of a LEFT JOIN because there may be some document without any payment and we want to show even these cases;
  • The COALESCE is used for cases where there is no receipt, ensuring that the debit calculation works properly considering 0 in payment;
  • The clause HAVING is used to filter the records considering only those that do not yet have payment greater or equal to the value of the invoice;
  • The clause HAVING is used instead of WHERE because it needs aggregation functions (in this case the SUM). That is, the restriction will only be applied after the records are grouped.


Evaluates the arguments in order and returns the current value of the first expression that is not evaluated as NULL initially. For example, SELECT COALESCE(NULL, NULL, 'third_value', 'fourth_value'); returns the third value because this is the first value that is not null.


Specifies a search criteria for a group or aggregation. HAVING can be used only with instruction SELECT. HAVING is usually used with a clause GROUP BY. When GROUP BY is not used, there will be a single aggregate and implicit group.


Returns the sum of all values or only the values DISTINCT in the expression. SUM can be used exclusively with numeric columns. Null values are ignored.

You can check the result on DB Fiddle.

  • Thank you, Perhaps For Hiding a detail that I did not consider important but maybe it is... the table of receipts also houses other records that are not receipts and so in the result appear values that should not.. in the query you exemplified I tried to change to "ON r.numfac = f.numfac and (r.tipodoc='rec' or r.tipodoc IS NULL)" but so does not show unpaid documents that are not in the receipt table

  • @Onossotone you can put one WHERE r.tipodoc IS NULL OR r.tipodoc = 'rec' in queryand will have this extra filter

  • Thank you, I have the query like this: SELECT f.TransDocNumber AS Doc,
 f.PartyID AS Cliente,
 f.TotalAmount AS ValorDocumento,
 f.TotalAmount - SUM(COALESCE(r.TotalPayedAmount, 0)) As ValorEmDebito
 FROM SaleTransaction f
 LEFT JOIN AccountTransactionDetails r
 ON r.Docnumber = f.Transdocnumber WHERE (r. Transdocument IS NULL or r.Transdocument='rec' ) and f.partyID=514777435 GROUP BY f.Partyid ,f. Transdocnumber ,f. Totalamount HAVING f.Totalamount - SUM(COALESCE(r.Totalpayedamount, 0)) > 0

  • but only shows the partially paid I’m doing something wrong?

  • @Onossotone can put an example of the records you have on the tables so we can work with them and test?

  • @Onossotone you said in the question that you wanted only those that are open. If you want the ones that I am paid take the HAVING

  • Thanks Sorack, I said and that’s what I want. but I have an invoice that does not pay and so it does not appear in the receipts but does not appear in the listing

  • @Onossotone without access to data is difficult to specify why this happens

  • Thanks Sorack, And how can I send a copy of the table?

  • @Onossotone tries to make a DB Fiddle like I put in my answer by reproducing the error that makes it easier to help you

  • What I intended was to combine the debit amounts in one line for each customer

  • @Onossotone a query original already does this... There is no way to appear a record with the value you reported. See the question I made in the comment of your question

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I need to get a listing of outstanding invoices by taking partial payments and ignoring those that are already paid.

The result should be as follows:
Customer Valordocumento Valoremdebito

-- código #1
soma_Recibos as (
SELECT numfac, sum (valorpago) as acumPgto
  from Recibos
  where tipodoc = 'REC' 
        or tipodoc is null
  group by numfac
Facturas_em_aberto as (
SELECT A.docnum, A.clienteid, A.valor, 
       coalesce (B.acumpgto, 0) as acumpgto
  from Facturas as A
       left join soma_Recibos as B on B.numfac = A.docnum
  where B.numfac is null
        or B.acumPgto < A.valor
SELECT clienteid, 
       sum (valor) as ValorDocumento,
       sum (valor - acumpgto) as ValorEmDebito
  from Facturas_em_aberto
  group by clienteid;

The above code considers that the invoice numbering is customer independent, as deduced from the data sample in Table A.

the code was built using CTE - common table Expression -, which facilitates programming, understanding and maintenance. Details in article "Modular programming with table expressions (CTE)”.

  • Thank you José Diniz, In Principle Solves the Problem, but must have even more filters to analyze, this concept is in fact very versatile.. I’ll burn 25 or 30 more neurons... Once Again Thank You


The query below allows you to show the results you want:

SELECT      A.docnum                        AS doc
        ,   A.clienteid                     AS cliente
        ,   A.valor                         AS valordocumento
        ,   A.valor - ISNULL(B.valor, 0)    AS valoremdebito
FROM        tabelaA     A
                SELECT      numfac
                        ,   clienteid
                        ,   SUM(valorpago) AS valorpago
                FROM        tabelaB
                GROUP BY    numfac
                        ,   clienteid
            )           B   ON  B.numfac    = A.numfac
                            AND B.clienteid = A.clienteid
WHERE       (A.valor - ISNULL(B.valor, 0)) > 0
ORDER BY    A.docnum
  • Thank you very much for the quick reply, I’m going to put in practice

  • Note that I created the example to work in SQL Server. If you are using another SGBD I’ll have to adapt.

  • You’re right, I didn’t. Edited answer.

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