Pass textview value to another screen and convert to double again?


Viewed 387 times


So I have a value stored in a text view of a previous calculation in Activity 1 and I need that value in Activity 2 to perform other calculations. Pass only the value in String I can pass, what I can’t do is convert to double and do the calculations. There is and when I tried to double as well as be in the images the code is working, but the value that is appearing and the value 2 that sets in default value.

Follow the source codes.

Code of Activity 1:

public void padiola (View v){

    Intent telapad = new Intent(this,Padiola.class);



Code of Activity 2:

TextView qtda, qtdb, alta, altb, vuar, vubr;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    qtda = (TextView) findViewById(;
    qtdb = (TextView) findViewById(;
    alta = (TextView) findViewById(;
    altb = (TextView) findViewById(;
    vuar = (TextView) findViewById(;
    vubr = (TextView) findViewById(;

   Double va = getIntent().getDoubleExtra("chavea",2f);
   Double vb = getIntent().getDoubleExtra("chaveb",2f);



public void trintaxquarenta(View v) {

    //Para Areia//

    double s1 = Double.parseDouble(vuar.getText().toString());
    double s2 = Double.parseDouble(vubr.getText().toString());

    double s3 = s1 + s2;




  • 1

    Hello, all right? Kindly, Would you be able to post the codes instead of images? It would be more useful and practical.

  • with you yes !!!

2 answers


You cannot get the value in the second Activity because you are passing a String from Activity A to B and Activity B is trying to get a Double instead of a String. When you arrive at the second Activity, you must first use the getStringExtra() method and then convert the obtained value to Double as desired. Example:

Double va = Double.parseDouble(getIntent().getStringExtra("chavea"));
Double vb = Double.parseDouble(getIntent().getStringExtra("chaveb"));

That should solve your problem.

  • So I tested it that way and it didn’t work. When I click the button to go to Activity B the app closes. I tried to take as String and then convert and also did not work.


Whoa, blah, blah! Since you had doubts about where and when to retrieve the values in your Activity A, I posted the full code.

In his Activity A:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    //declarando os campos de valores
    EditText valor1, valor2;
    //Botao para a proxima intent
    Button botaoProximaIntent;
    //valores double para a proxima intent
    double a, b;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        valor1 = findViewById(;
        valor2 = findViewById(;
        botaoProximaIntent = findViewById(;
        //click no botao
        botaoProximaIntent.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                //faça as validacoes antes de pegar os valores
                //resgate seu double A do editText
                a = Double.parseDouble(valor1.getText().toString());
                //resgate seu double A do editText
                b = Double.parseDouble(valor2.getText().toString());

                //agora temos o valor de a e b, vamos chamar a proxima intent e passar os parametros
                Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SegundaActivity.class);
                //declaramos o bundle
                Bundle params = new Bundle();
                //parametros do bundle
                params.putDouble("valor1", a);
                params.putDouble("valor2", b);
                //chamamos a proxima intent

In your Activity B, receive the values:

public class SegundaActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //declarando os valores
        double a, b;
        // pegando os parametros intent
        Intent intent = getIntent();
        //validando a intent
        if (intent != null)
            Bundle params = intent.getExtras();
            //validando se há parametros
            if  (params != null)
                //resgatando os valores na segunda intent
                a = params.getDouble("valor1");
                b = params.getDouble("valor2");

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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