Edge doesn’t cover everything


Viewed 97 times


My edge doesn’t cover everything as it would like, how could it make the edge go up before the end of the Limite ?

Meu css:

padding: 20px;

border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 20px;
height: 200px;
  <div class="conteudo">
What happens:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Whole code:

@using SoftluxWebCore.ViewModels.Tabelas.Financeiro
<!-- Link to CSS -->
<link href="~/css/Tabelas/Financeiro/FormaPagamento.css" rel="stylesheet" />

@using (Html.BeginForm())

using (Html.DevExtreme().ValidationGroup())
    <div class="divFormulario">
                                                                .Items(items =>
                                                                    .Items(groupItems =>
                                                                        groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_descricao)
                                                                        .Editor(e => e.TextBox().Width("350px"));
                                                                        groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_quantidade)
                                                                        .Editor(e => e.NumberBox().Width("70px").OnKeyPress("key_press"));
                                                                        groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_LimiteDesconto)
                                                                        .Editor(e => e.NumberBox());
                                                                        groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_acrescimo)
                                                                        .Editor(e => e.NumberBox());
                                                                        groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_desconto)
                                                                        .Editor(e => e.NumberBox());
                                                                    items.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_situacao)
                                                                        .Label(l => l.Visible(false))
                                                                        .Editor(editor => editor.CheckBox().ID("sit").Text("Ativo"));
                                                                    items.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Fpg_orcamento).CssClass("orc")
                                                                        .Label(l => l.Visible(false))
                                                                        .Editor(editor => editor.CheckBox().ID("orc").Text("Padrão para Orçamento"));

    <div class="conteudo">

    <br />

    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sucesso"><i class="far fa-check-circle"></i> Gravar</button>
    <button type="reset" class="btn btn-danger btn-cancelar" onclick="parent.fecharJanela('CadastroFormaPagamento')"><i class="far fa-times-circle"></i> Cancelar</button>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function key_press(e) {
            var event = e.event,
                str = event.key || String.fromCharCode(event.which);

            if (/^[\.\,e]$/.test(str))


@section Scripts {
@{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial"); }

Code for creating modal:

function geradorCodigo(idjanela, titulojanela, urljanela, largura, altura, aoFechar) {

    document.getElementById("geradorCodigos").innerHTML = "<div id='" + idjanela + "'></div>";
    var janela = $("#" + idjanela).kendoWindow({
        width: largura,
        height: altura,
        title: titulojanela,
        iframe: true,
        modal: true,
        close: aoFechar,
        content: ".." + urljanela,


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1 answer


Your problem is that somewhere in your CSS or Framework you are using there are properties in legend that should not!

I believe inside the tag legend vc may have put some other tag, or some class of the CSS Framework you are using. Or put some sort of title element h3 or within the legend and that h3 already had some CSS property in it.

For some reason your legend must be with width of 100%

See that this way I simulated exactly the "mistake" that yours textfield presented...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Code of the image above:

padding: 20px;

border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 20px;
height: 50px;

legend {
  width: 100%;
  <div class="conteudo">
         <legend>Limite (legend com width de 100%)</legend>

<div class="conteudo">
         <legend style="width: initial;">Limite (legend com width de initial)</legend>

  • Yes, the Legend gets width of 100%, I’ve had a problem with that q covered another object, but did not know it was because of that the edge n caught, thank you very much for the answer

  • And it was not css, it comes already defined by default I believe

  • The Legend is not 100% by default not ... Somewhere has some css putting this element with width of 100%... Try to inspect the element there to see where the property comes from

  • There is no way to send image here, but I believe it comes from bootstrap so http://localhost:5000/lib/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss, this appears to me when inspecting and width: 100%

  • @Jeffhenrique was just that, test here on BS3 and BS4 and the two framwrok by default puts the lagend at 100% width...

  • 1

    Ah yes, thank you so much for the help @hugocsl

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