How to hide files programmatically


Viewed 59 times


A hidden file in a linux environment has a point (.) before its name, so that for example: .arquivo.c is hidden and arquivo.c isn’t. Knowing that, my question is, how to hide a number of files programmatically? And if I can go further, how to hide files only from a certain extension?

I’m aware of two possibilities so far:

  • Renaming them, one by one.
  • Using a file .hidden¹.

However the first option seems to me unfeasible and the second, despite being exactly what I’m looking for, was not effective in the environment where I work, of a Raspberry. There is another option?

¹A . Hidden is used to determine what will be hidden in a given directory.

  • Was not effective in what sense?

  • It didn’t work. I created a file. Hidden, listed some files to hide and nothing happened.

  • Why would the first option be unfeasible?

  • @because there is some method capable of doing what I am looking for more efficiently. Hidden, if it served me, would already solve a lot.

  • @Caiodepaulasilva Sorry, could edit your question by also putting the code or the method you did to try to hide?

  • 1

    the method using the . Hidden file only works with the Nautilus file manager of the Gnome environment, as far as I the terminal does not work

  • @zentrunix came to similar conclusion. I kept the question open in the hope of there being a solution that I do not know.

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1 answer


Well, if I understood the meaning of 'programmatic' I think I would want to read about regex. So, using the pipe straight into the terminal you can do what you’re looking for:

ls -1 | grep "\.<extensão>$" | xargs -i mv {} .{}

Of course, the above solution is quite simple and will have to be run from directory to directory.

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