How do I create a neural network file . config from . json, . H5 or . pb files?


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Good afternoon, I’m on a convolutional neural network project and I’d like someone to help me with how I can create a file type for the neural network that calls. config

I haven’t found much result on how to do this on the internet.

If anyone has a documentation link or tutorial that teaches them how to do this, I’d appreciate it immensely.

Thank you for your attention

  • A configuration file is usually a text type file (no matter the ending), Voce can create qq text type file in python, see this topic in the documentation, but for settings I always prefer to use the YAML, in python has this excellent package

  • would you like to do an extension equal to the example I found on github ? @Sidon

  • What do you mean by 'extension'? what have you tried to do? what is your context? Which neural network FW are you using? see that in the example you present in github the guy is using the modules of Tensorflwow itself to read and write the configuration files, if you have used TF, I suggest you study it this topic documentation. Also review that file of the repository from which you presented the example.

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