Technical help. Grouping websites and improving traffic


Viewed 42 times


I have a somewhat technical question, where I don’t have the science to know which decision to make, so I come to ask for help in the decision.

Is she:

I have several systems, each with its own domains:

  • ....

and a base field, which refers to the company developing.


It is more advantage, to put all systems in subdomain within the main domain?

Thus remaining:


Needing access to the panel there would be -

This question is taking into account the amount of traffic and the relevance that will make the main URL more eligible for google.

I’ve been able to explain well what I’m trying to go through?

Thank you all.

1 answer


Read the following tips carefully and see if you agree with the authors' opinion, i particularly agree with the second argument when it comes to performance.

According to this site

Everything will depend on your goal.

Improve positioning in search tools

If the focus is to improve results with organic search, a subdomain may not be the best option, because Google considers the subdomain as a domain different and not as part of the same site. IE, you will have to build the authority of your subdomain and this will not generate results for your main domain. In this case, use a subdirectory as it will benefit from the authority their domain already possesses, which facilitates good positioning on search pages.

SERP Domination

If you already have a good position on the first page and your goal is popularize your business and increase traffic to your website, you should create a subdomain. You basically open more input ports from visitors to the content of your site, increasing the chances of achieve SERP Domination.

SERP Domination is to conquer several links in the first pages of search engines and not only have a link well positioned. With a differentiated SEO work for your domain and subdomain, you can have more links pointing to your site on the first few pages, even for more specific terms.

For example, Google search results for the keyword "Inbound Marketing for Traditional Companies" show the domain of Digital Results and the agency subdomain,

According to this other site

The benefits of sub-domains for performance

As we can see when analyzing the anatomy of the domain, when we create a subdomain we ended up "creating a new website" within our domain leading.

This offers more organization for your agency and can allocate improve the different applications of your website and facilitate access to your customers.

Differentiation by search engines and SEO

Subdomains are seen by search engines as sites other than the main domain. At first this might look bad for SEO, right? However, this opens up several opportunities, such as segmentation! So you can have different segment sites under one main domain and, with the subdomains, separate their authorities according to the desired segment. This separation of "authority" for each subdomain is a good opportunity for agencies working with blogs or sites from different niches. With this, these agencies can perform search engine optimization (SEO) work different for each subdomain and for the main domain.

In practice

Google has the most widely used search engine in the world, with several applications, such as Google Docs and Google Adwords. Following good security, performance and optimization, it also separates your applications using subdomains.

Search Engine:

Google Docs:

Google Adwords:

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