Take duplicity by ignoring a column with distinct information


Viewed 147 times


I searched here and found nothing like it.

When I make the following Select :

    a.idEmpregadoReserva as Controle
    ,(select EmpresaAplicativo from tbEmpresaAplicativo where tbEmpresaAplicativo.idEmpresaAplicativo = c.idEmpresaAplicativo) Colonia

    ,a.NumeroDocumento as [Numero Voucher]
    ,(select tipoformapagto from tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto where tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto.idTipoFormaPagto = a.idTipoFormaPagto) [Forma Pagamento]
  FROM [APCEF].[dbo].[tbHPG_EmpregadoReserva_Financeiro] a join tbHPG_EmpregadoReserva_Reserva b on a.idEmpregadoReserva = b.idEmpregadoReserva
   join tbHPG_Reserva c on b.idReserva = c.idReserva join tbEmpregado d on c.idEmpregado = d.idEmpregado join tbEmpregadoVoucher e
    on a.NumeroDocumento = e.idEmpregadoVoucher
    join tbTipoVoucher f on e.idTipoVoucher = f.idTipoVoucher
  where c.DataEntrada between '2019-01-23' and '2019-01-27' and (c.idEmpresaAplicativo = 4 or c.idEmpresaAplicativo = 5) 
  and a.idTipoFormaPagto = 1

And the next thing :

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

However I would like to make a select as if it were a select DISTINCT but ignoring IDRESERVA, ie pulling only 1 voucher number ( it can not repeat )

  • puts the select code for us please, can give crtl+c

  • @Germanobussniehues I made the substitution

2 answers


        a.idEmpregadoReserva as Controle
        ,(select EmpresaAplicativo from tbEmpresaAplicativo where tbEmpresaAplicativo.idEmpresaAplicativo = c.idEmpresaAplicativo) Colonia

        ,a.NumeroDocumento as [Numero Voucher]
        ,wm_concat(c.idReserva) as ids_de_reservas
        ,(select tipoformapagto from tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto where tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto.idTipoFormaPagto = a.idTipoFormaPagto) [Forma Pagamento]
      FROM [APCEF].[dbo].[tbHPG_EmpregadoReserva_Financeiro] a join tbHPG_EmpregadoReserva_Reserva b on a.idEmpregadoReserva = b.idEmpregadoReserva
       join tbHPG_Reserva c on b.idReserva = c.idReserva join tbEmpregado d on c.idEmpregado = d.idEmpregado join tbEmpregadoVoucher e
        on a.NumeroDocumento = e.idEmpregadoVoucher
        join tbTipoVoucher f on e.idTipoVoucher = f.idTipoVoucher
      where c.DataEntrada between '2019-01-23' and '2019-01-27' and (c.idEmpresaAplicativo = 4 or c.idEmpresaAplicativo = 5) 
      and a.idTipoFormaPagto = 1

group by
        ,(select EmpresaAplicativo from tbEmpresaAplicativo where tbEmpresaAplicativo.idEmpresaAplicativo = c.idEmpresaAplicativo)
        ,f.TipoVoucher ,
      (select tipoformapagto from tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto where tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto.idTipoFormaPagto = a.idTipoFormaPagto)

If I understood your question and the structure of your bank would be this, I hope it works =D.

Note: If it is Mysql and does not work wm_concat for concat_ws

  • It did not work even with wm_concat and concat_ws and did not change the error reserve select in group by


See if this helps you, this query is for SQL SERVER

    a.idEmpregadoReserva as Controle
    ,(select EmpresaAplicativo from tbEmpresaAplicativo where tbEmpresaAplicativo.idEmpresaAplicativo = c.idEmpresaAplicativo) Colonia

    ,a.NumeroDocumento as [Numero Voucher]
    ,(select tipoformapagto from tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto where tbHPG_TipoFormaPagto.idTipoFormaPagto = a.idTipoFormaPagto) [Forma Pagamento]
    ,row_number() over(partition by a.NumeroDocumento order by (select null)) as rn
  FROM [APCEF].[dbo].[tbHPG_EmpregadoReserva_Financeiro] a join tbHPG_EmpregadoReserva_Reserva b on a.idEmpregadoReserva = b.idEmpregadoReserva
   join tbHPG_Reserva c on b.idReserva = c.idReserva join tbEmpregado d on c.idEmpregado = d.idEmpregado join tbEmpregadoVoucher e
    on a.NumeroDocumento = e.idEmpregadoVoucher
    join tbTipoVoucher f on e.idTipoVoucher = f.idTipoVoucher
  where c.DataEntrada between '2019-01-23' and '2019-01-27' and (c.idEmpresaAplicativo = 4 or c.idEmpresaAplicativo = 5) 
  and a.idTipoFormaPagto = 1) A
  WHERE RN = 1
  • Dude worked, could you explain to me what was done with this sub select within select ? You sort of assigned the document number as a 'counter' and asked to show only the first ?

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