Hello! I have the following question: the oracle function for PHP oci_new_cursor, can only be used when the cursor already exists in the database?
For example, I just created my query within my php code:
$query2 = "DECLARE
v_consulta NUMBER;
CURSOR cursbv IS
SELECT proxnumorc FROM pcconsum FOR UPDATE of proxnumorc;
OPEN cursbv;
FETCH cursbv INTO v_consulta;
UPDATE pcconsum SET proxnumorc = proxnumorc + 1;
CLOSE cursbv;
$s2 = oci_parse($c, $query2);
$r2 = oci_execute($s2);
Can I use this function in my code? Because I need to recover the value of the select that is inside the cursor. Obs: I’m using oracle 11g. If anyone knows how it works and can help me. Thank you in advance