Is there any way to block the rendering of a particular component in React?


Viewed 351 times


I need to block the rendering of a certain type of component, for example:


I need to capture the component that can be passed to Children and block its rendering. If I want to block the p tag, how would I do that? Is there any better way to do that?

  • Do you want to block assuming that a certain condition is met? Could you please detail your question a little more? :)

  • just do not render this component. No condition.

  • So just don’t put it in the render.

  • then, at first I have no way to control that this component is passed. Hence the question...

1 answer


If you want to filter some element from prop children React, you’ll need to use the API React.Children:

You can then use the method React.Children.toArray() to create a array based on property children and filter only the elements you want to render.

For that, since we’re dealing with array, it is convenient to use the method filter.

Below I leave an example:

function Container(props) {
  return (
      <p>Componentes renderizados:</p>
      <hr />
        (child) => child.type !== 'h2'

function App() {
  return (
      <h1>[h1] Este componente será renderizado.</h1>
      <h2>[h2] Este componente NÃO será renderizado.</h2>
      <h3>[h3] Este componente tanbém será renderizado.</h3>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src="" crossorigin></script>

<div id="root"></div>


  • Thanks, Luiz. I decided otherwise, but here’s the tip. Obg :D

  • Cool! I can know how you did? :)

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