I want to do some work on the open source game Codecombat (https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat). I managed to install the game, but in the community (in English) I was recommended to execute the command "npm run proxy" to see the project working in the browser.
When I execute this command and access the address in the browser I am redirected to the production server (https://codecombat.com/). Some developers have said that "the proxy mode means the whole backend is the original, only the frontend is my".
I opened package.json and it has the following content:
(...)"scripts": {
"start": "node ./index.js",
"test": "COCO_TRAVIS_TEST=1 npm run webpack && ./node_modules/.bin/karma start --single-run --reporters dots",
"test-china": "COCO_CHINA_INFRASTRUCTURE=true npm run test",
"predeploy": "echo Starting deployment--hold onto your butts.; echo Skipping webpack build --production",
"postdeploy": "echo Deployed. Unclench.",
"postinstall": "bower install && node ./runWebpack.js",
"webpack": "webpack",
"bower": "bower",
"dev": "webpack --watch",
"dev-container": "DEV_CONTAINER=1 webpack --watch",
"multicore": "coffee multicore.coffee",
"proxy": "COCO_PROXY='true' nodemon",
"proxy-win": "cross-env COCO_PROXY='true' nodemon",
"analyzer": "COCO_ANALYZER_BUNDLE=1 webpack --profile --json > stats.json"
It can be observed that the command proxy has to do with COCO_PROXY (I imagine it’s an environment variable) and the nodemon.
But how does it work? Can someone explain to me how this proxy service works on Node?
Possible duplicate of What the npm build command does?
– Luiz Felipe
I think not Luiz Felipe, I opened the package.json file of the project, and found this: "scripts": { (...), "proxy": "CO_PROXY='true' nodemon"}. Apparently this PROXY command is related to COCO_PROXY.
– Fabrício Ribeiro
npm start does not work?
– Francisco
"npm start" works Francisco, but I can’t get full access to the platform, the reading material (https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Dev-Setup:-General-Information) recommends "npm run proxy" to gain access to all data from the remote server.
– Fabrício Ribeiro
COCO_PROXY is an environment variable, the way it is to start in linux by setting the variable, in windows you must use the command
set COCO_PROXY = true
and then start on the app.– Chance