Make Calculations in Sql Server Database


Viewed 625 times


I am making an application with Sql Server database and I want the database to work the calculations and not the application, but I’m having difficulties to do, I hope someone can help me in this issue.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

These are the columns of the Product table, the data were entered manually, the columns Totalbuy and Totalsell are computed (Stock * Purchase price) and (Stock * Sale price), respectively. Now comes the difficulty, I want the value in the column Profit is also automatic being (Totalsale -Totalpurchase)

I made the following Insert Procedure: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I don’t quite understand what you want?

  • I want to calculate value in the Profit column also automatically being (Totalvenda -Totalcompra). Let the calculation be done in the table. And not in the application.

  • 1

    Wouldn’t just create another calculated column !?

  • No Motta, because the columns Totalbuy and Totalsell are already Calculated Columns, I’ve tried this and it didn’t work.

  • Do not just make a column calculated as follows: Lucro = (ValorVenda - ValorCompra) * Estoque?

2 answers


ADD Lucro AS ((ValorVenda - ValorCompra) * Estoque);
  • Thanks Marcelo Uchimura, it worked!


I don’t quite understand what you want, but you can use SUM to display this information whenever you need, without having to store the total.


Or you can insert it simply and quickly, just like in this example:

INSERT INTO TESTE (valorcompra, valorvenda, lucro) VALUES (155,195, valorvenda - valorcompra)

I believe I can also use inside the Procedure!

values {

  • Marcos Vinicius is almost that, but I want to calculate this difference between Totalbuy and Totalsell that are not in the Last, this information is only found in the table.

  • Have you tried this? Without passing the two columns you want by parameters Profit = TOTAL_COMPRA - TOTAL_VENDA

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