The timestampsInSnapshots Setting now defaults to true and you no longer need to explicitly set it


Viewed 307 times


I was practicing making applications with Ionic 4 and Firebase (Cloud Firestore), but when I run the application, the error appears on the console:

@firebase/firestore: Firestore (5.8.1): The timestampsInSnapshots Setting now defaults to true and you no longer need to explicitly set it. In a Future release, the Setting will be Removed entirely and so it is Recommended that you remove it from your firestore.Settings() call now.

I did a few searches (with pretty bad English) which could be problem with antivirus Kaspersky and/or Adblock, I’ve paused but it keeps popping up the same error. Remembering that I made the Firebase configuration according to the firestore2 tutorial. Follow the app.module.ts print.


Does anyone know what this mistake is all about?

PS: Here is some information from package.json package.json

1 answer


Actually, that’s not a mistake, it’s a warning or a warning. It’s not connected to the antivirus. The literal translation would be:

@firebase/firestore: Firestore (5.8.1): The configuration timestampsInSnapshots now it’s by default true and you no longer need to define it explicitly. In a future version, the setting will be completely removed, so it is recommended that you remove it from your call firestore.settings().

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