Problems with Angular 6 script import


Viewed 332 times


I have a small problem with script and I believe it is scope of Component. I use a script to scroll in firefox, because in Chrome works normally anchorScrolling. The problem is that if I call on the route where has the Nav bar and footer, on the daughter routes the script does not work, then I need to add it on each son. So far so good. The problem is that on each route I load it add the same script again.

That is, if the user navigates in 4 different routes, I will have 4 times the same script and so when I click something to scroll the function is executed 4 times. Does anyone know of an alternative?

The division of my project is like this, App, Site Component (where I call header, router-outlet and footer), and other routes like Home and About for example.

I do so:

export class InjectScript {

    LoadScript(url: string) {
        const body = <HTMLDivElement>document.body;
        const script = document.createElement('script');
        script.innerHTML = '';
        script.src = url;
        script.async = false;
        script.defer = true;

and onInit of the components:

ngOnInit( ) {
    this.inject = new InjectScript();
    // obs: funcoes.js é o script que contem meu scroll

Note: I found this other question that seems to me the same problem I have, but has no suggestion of solution. Target Problem of Angular Components 2 with importing external Javascripts

UPDATING: I found that when I put a click event calling a function that does not exist, the error appears in the console but works the scroll normally in Firefox. example: (click)="ball()"

<a class="nav-link" [routerLink] = "['/sobre']" fragment="meuId"(click)="bolinha()"  ></a>

But still do not know how to do without appearing the error.

  • Take a look at my answer

  • @Eduardovargas looked at his answer here, but injecting the script is not being the problem, but rather that it works only for the route that was injected. So I have to do for all routes. Example, I import at home, then I import again at About, and so on. Doing so works but loads several times the same <script>.

2 answers


I don’t know if it is the best option, but you can check if you already have your declared function before injecting again in onInit()

if( typeof nomeDaSuaFuncao == 'function')
    this.inject = new InjectScript();


I hope it helps!

  • I even tried to do it this way but I don’t know how to put the "nameDaMinhaFuncao" without error. Either I got it wrong or my Typescript doesn’t "see" my functions within the script (js).


In the angular-cli.json place the following string


      "scripts": [
        "../src/assets/js/custom.js" <~ arquivo adicionado

So the file will be visible to the whole system.

  • I’ve tried to do it this way, but on the home page it works for example, but on other routes like 'About' and 'Services' for example, it doesn’t work. The funny thing is that if I’m on one of these routes and inspect the code the script is there. Which leads me to think once again that it has something to do with scope.

  • Do you have any demonstration of how this file is used ? You call the function inside the file ?

  • Refers to the script? $('.scroll-page').click(function () {&#xA; var $doc = $('html, body');&#xA;&#xA; if (this.hash !== "") {&#xA; $doc.animate({&#xA; scrollTop: $(this.hash).offset().top&#xA; }, 500);&#xA; return false;&#xA; }&#xA;});

  • I updated the question, if possible take a look please.

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