After implementing Webservice in my project and using Debug to check if everything is right, it returned me the same error 403 is in the image. After searching about, I confirmed that the app’s programming is correct, the PHP scripts are also correct, so the problem is on the Apache side with respect to permissions. I use Wampserver, that’s where the problem comes in, because that part is no longer known to me, so I don’t know how to solve it. I tried to look around, most similar cases told me to change some things in the httpd.conf document that is inside Apache, but at least so far has not helped. For now I just programmed the app to fetch data that is on the internet, I saved it in phpMyAdmin
Can you access the script through the browser? If you also get error 403 is probably the folder permission or in the PHP file.
– Ricardo BRGWeb
Which one, what do I use as a URL in the project, which is written in the image, Apisincronizarsistema? There’s this one and another where I saved the localhost information, pass. The first one returns "sucess = false" when I try.
– David
Then I understood that the problem is in the access permissions of Apache, the problem is that I do not know where I change this, I understand almost nothing of Wampserver
– David